Motivation What motivates people?
What are the motivational theories? Instincts Drive reduction theory Arousal theory Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Incentives (reinforcers) e.g. Gold stars
How do instincts motivate us? Aggression Fear of heights
What is the drive reduction theory? Objective is “Homeostasis” The body’s tendency to maintain a constant internal state. The desire to avoid stress Hunger or thirst
What is arousal theory? The desire to avoid boredom Roller coasters Horror movies When biological needs are satisfied, we look for an optimum level of arousal.
What is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs? From physiological needs to self- actualization Basic needs (thirst, clothing) satisfied before higher needs (self esteem) become motivating.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (cont.) Viewing your work as a calling (e.g. Nun) satisfies higher level needs. Exception = altruistic suicide
What are behavior incentives? Reinforcers Gold stars Money Thank you
Do you remember? What is an example of instinct, drive reduction, arousal, and incentive motivation? What is an example of each of Maslow’s hierarchy levels? What would be an incentive to motivate a child’s behavior?
Eating disorders Motivation to harm yourself Anorexia nervosa Bulimia Excessive dieting See themselves as fat Bulimia Purposely binge & purge
Sexual motivation Masters and Johnson’s sexual response cycle. Excitement Plateau Enough sperm may be released prior to orgasm for pregnancy Orgasm Resolution Refractory period (men only) Period during which male can not be aroused to another orgasm.
What motivates sexual orientation? Prenatal hormones - can change an animal’s sexual orientation Brain differences may be a factor Genetics may be a factor
What motivates sexual orientation? Genetics Twins studies - concordance rates Identical twins Fraternal twins Adopted children
Sexual disorders motivation Lack of sexual desire (Lack of sexual motivation) Behavior therapy and education can help with: Male Inability to ejaculate Premature ejaculation Female Orgasmic dysfunction (female) Vaginismus
Do you remember? What is the difference between anorexia and bulimia? What stage in the sexual response cycle do men have that women do not? Is it possible to get pregnant even with ejaculation outside the partner? What factors can effect sexual orientation?
How is belongingness a motivator? People have a basic need to belong and bond with others Conformity to peer pressure (e.g. smoking) Spouse abuse Some have a greater fear of loneliness than remaining in a physically abusive relationship.
Motivation at work
Motivating achievement Achievement motivation - The desire to excel with self discipline beats talent and intelligence.
How can you predict job performance? Aptitude tests Job knowledge tests Simulated job performance tests Informal interviews Poorest predictor of job performance The interviewer illusion The employer’s idea that they can determine enduring personality traits from the interview.
Do you remember? How is belongingness a motivator? What can beat talent and motivation for achievement? What is the interviewer illusion?