OHP Check List of Expectations Did you...? include an introduction, topic slide, title, or explanation of your topic (including your name & date)? provide an adequate biographical description of your subject (interviewee)? capture and present a thorough summary of the interview experience (images, text, sound, video, etc.)? display clear evidence of your research? Is it evident that you read & learned a great deal about your topic, including in-text citiations or at least references to sources throughout your product? blend & synthesize the person's story around historic research? (Did you place the story in historic context)? Did you compare & contrast what he or she said with what your resources revealed? spell check, edit, and enhance your work so that it reveals your level of effort? -include a summary, conclusion, or "final thought" reflecting what you learned from this person, about this
OHP Check List of Expectations Students should be prepared to… share the most essential aspects of the OHP project* with the class in June (3-5 minutes max). Be prepared to *SHOW & TELL* about the following: Most interesting information from the interview? Most surprising or important piece of research information (fact) learned from your resources? "takeaway lessons" and most important thing(s) to KNOW & APPRECIATE about your person? topic? OHP?
CriteriaAdvancedProficientBasicBelow Basic Interviewee’s experience Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of interviewee’s experience in historical context Demonstrates understanding of interviewee’s experience in historical context Demonstrates limited understanding of interviewee’s experience in historical context Demonstrates little to no understanding of interviewee’s experience in historical context. \ 19-0 _____/35 points Student Research Collaboration Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the historical time period. Uses 5 or more sources. Multiple citations in MLA format Student actively works with peers and contributes to their success Demonstrates understanding of the historical time period. Uses 3 – 4 sources Citations in MLA format Student collaborates with peers but has minimal impact on their success. 8-7 Demonstrates limited understanding of the historical time period. Uses 2 sources Material is cited Student has minimal collaboration with peers. 6 Demonstrates little to no understanding of the historical time period. Uses 1 source There are no citations 19-0 Student does not collaborate with anyone. 5-0 _____/35 points _____/10 points ProductMedia chosen is highly effective in engaging and connecting to audience Media chosen is effective in engaging and connecting to audience. 8-7 Media chosen is somewhat effective in engaging and connecting to audience. 6 Media chosen is ineffective in engaging and connecting to audience. 5-0 _____/10 points ConventionsQuestions, bibliography, and product show evident control of grammar, mechanics, and spelling 10-9 Questions, bibliography, and product show sufficient control of grammar, mechanics, and spelling. 8-7 Questions, bibliography and product show limited control of grammar, mechanics, and spelling. 6 Questions, bibliography, and product show minimal control of grammar, mechanics, and spelling. 5-0 _____/10 points