Learning Objectives What is the typical developmental course of language development?
Mastering Language Phonology: The sound system Morphology: Forming words from sounds Syntax: Grammar (sentences from words) Semantics: Meaning Pragmatics: Context appropriate use Nonverbal: Face, tone, gestures
Language Development Prelinguistic Abilities –First sounds and feedback –Vocalizations (6-8 weeks) –Babbling (4-6 months) –Home language sounds (8 months) –Comprehension before production –Joint attention
First Words First Year –Holophrases: Single words –Nonverbal information –Intonation: Question, request, demand –Nouns first (naming) 18 months: Vocabulary spurt of words 24 months: 186 words Wide individual differences
Video: The Development of Language PLAY VIDEO
First Mistakes Two-Year-Olds –Overextension: Too broad –Underextension: Too narrow –Overregularization: Applying rules “Foots” or “goed” Found in other languages Suggests an understanding of grammatical rules
Two-Year Olds Telegraphic Speech: Critical content only –2+ word utterances Functional Grammar –Semantic relations expressed –Context important Rules inferred from adult speech Age 2-5: Transformational grammar –“Billy hit” versus “hit Billy”
Later Language Development First grade: 10,000 words Abstract terms by adolescence Metalinguistic awareness Adulthood –Expanded vocabulary –Refine pragmatics
Learning Objectives How do learning, nativist, and interactionist perspectives explain the acquisition of language? Which explanation is best supported by research?
How Language Develops Learning Theory (Skinner) –Accounts for phonology and semantics –Cannot account for syntax or novelty Nativist: (Chomsky) Language Acquisition Device (LAD) –Inborn mechanism –Universality of stages and errors –Genetic evidence from twin studies Interactionist perspective
Critical or Sensitive Period? Critical Period Argument –Younger learn more easily: All languages –Deaf children: Same timing, sequence –Second language learners Sensitive Period –Earlier is better
Learning Objectives What factors influence mastery motivation of infants? How is this related to later achievement?
Mastery Motivation Typical of infants Individual differences exist Parents Must Provide: –Sensory stimulation –Responsive environment Early Education: Not necessary –Important for disadvantaged children
Learning Objectives What are the pros and cons of early education? What factors contribute to differences in levels of achievement motivation during childhood, and what can be done to foster achievement motivation?
Achievement Motivation by Age 7 Mastery Orientation –Success: internal, stable attribution (smart) –Failure: external factors (hard test) –Learning goals (to solve problem) Learned Helplessness –Success: external attribution (luck) –Failure: internal and stable (I’m dumb) –Performance goals (I want to look good)
Contributions to Achievement Motivation Infancy –Stimulating, responsive environment –Independence and self-reliance –Set high standards –Parental involvement School Age –De-emphasize grades –Focus on learning
Learning Objectives What are the components of learning to read? Is there a most effective way to teaching reading? What distinguishes skilled and unskilled readers?
Learning to Read Alphabetic Principle –Printed words related to sounds –Phonological awareness: decoding Emergent Literacy –Reading to preschoolers –Repetitious reading and rhymes –Questions
Skilled vs. Unskilled Readers Skilled Readers –Understand the phonetic alphabet –Eyes hit all the words –Rely on phonology, not context to identify words Unskilled Readers –Low levels of phonological awareness –Eyes skip words and parts of words
Teaching Reading Phonics (Code Oriented) –Analyze words for sounds –Sound-letter correspondence Whole-Word Method (Look-Say) –Read for meaning Research supports phonics
Learning Objective How does school affect children? What factors characterize effective schools?
Effective Schools Less Important Factors –Increased resources (reasonable) –Average class size (18-40) –Ability grouping: no advantage found Factors that Matter –Student aptitude –Task-oriented classes; discipline enforced –Parental involvement
Learning Objectives What changes in achievement motivation occur during adolescence? What factors contribute to these changes? How does science and math education in the United States compare to science and math education in other countries? What are the pros and cons of integrating work with school during adolescence?
The Adolescent in School Declining achievement and self-esteem Negative school attitudes Critical juncture: middle school Risk factors –Minority group, mother’s educational level and mental health –Stressful life events, family size, father absence
Why Achievement Drops Family characteristics Cognitive growth Negative Feedback –Younger are praised for effort alone Peer pressures, which discourage academic achievement esp. low income minority peers Puberty Poor person-environment fit
Science and Math Education Cultural Differences: Asian vs. US students Asian: Higher scores Differences in Asian schools –More time in school and on task –More homework –Committed parents –Peers: high values and standards –Belief in hard work and effort
Work and School Students working 20+ hours per week –Lower GPA –Disengaged and bored attitude –Alienation and anxiety Other Findings –Lower math and science achievement –More likely to use alcohol and drugs
Learning objectives How does achievement motivation change during adulthood? How do literacy, illiteracy, and continued education affect adults’ lives?
The Adult Achievement Motivation Stable –Affected by education, type of work, and family situations Literacy: 22% at 3 rd grade level –US has more high level and more low level –Related to poverty Continuing Education –15 million aged 25+ enrolled in college