The Research Process Steps 1-5 Finding the information that you need! LEQ: How do I use questions to help me unlock a research topic, write an informational research paper, and cite sources?
Keywords Keywords: Question Paraphrase Database Plagiarize Cite Citation search MLA Format Source In text citation Document evidence Works Cited Synthesize
Today’s Learning Goal: By the end of class today, you need to have completed and submitted worksheets #1b, #2, and #3 in eBackpack.
How can I use 14 Steps to help me complete a Research Paper? Go to eBackpack 1A and look at the 14 steps. We will use these steps as a checklist to completing this research paper project.
How can I use a Passion or a Problem to find a topic? Brainstorm a list of your hobbies and interests Make a list of 3 problems you need to solve, decisions that you need to make, and figure out what you could learn about to help you solve the problem or make the decision.
What kind of questions should I use to narrow my topic to a manageable focus for my paper? Read pages 1060-62 in Unit 10 Research Strategies Workshop Use 1B in eBackpack: the Question Cluster Your first questions should relate to WHY you want to learn about this topic—what is your specific goal that you hope to learn through your research? Write it in the center of the question cluster organizer.
How can I develop a list of questions to begin my research? Read: Unit 10, pages 1062-77 Use Research #2 in eBackpack. Write questions that are comprehensive--- Not a yes or no answer---- Require an explanation Show some kind of depth or significance beyond simple questions
How will I find and use sources of information? Read 1063-1077. Complete #4, Using Keywords.
How will I document my sources for my research paper? 1. Note the kind of information that you need in order to prepare a citation. 2. Two kinds of citations: Works Cited = at the end of your paper In Text Citation=within your paper, after any facts or information that you have uncovered in your research to show where you found your information.
How will I document my sources How will I document my sources? Get EXCITED about EasyBib– a Site to Cite! use website not app Look at the cite carefully. Complete #3 worksheet on citing sources Question: How many types of sources are available on the EasyBib site?
Assessment Prompt _7: How can I use a research file and source sheets to help me process, synthesize, and paraphrase the information that answers my research questions?
Why is it important to paraphrase and then document?
What does it mean to synthesize? When the answer is not obvious or directly stated within a source, Look for connections and related ideas---then, combine them and draw conclusions---
Your focus now: Find and read 3 sources! 1. Read each source thoroughly! 2. Then, look at your question list. Did you see any facts related to your questions? 3. Complete a source sheet for each source.
Due by end of class Thursday! 3 Source Sheets to eBackpack Make sure that each is completed correctly.
How to Complete a Source Sheet 1. Write the number in the Source Sheet #___. 2. Read the directions. 3. Identify the type of source (remember the 59 types from step #3? It will be one of these!) 4. Write the Title of the source. 5. Copy and paste in the citation that you will need for your Works Cited page. (use EasyBib)
How to Complete a Source Sheet (cont’d) 6. Make sure that you have completely read the entire source. Then, look at your list of questions. Did you find any facts related to any of your questions? If so, in Part 2 list all of the questions for which you have found any related fact within this source.
How to Complete a Source Sheet 7. In Part 3 of the Source Sheet, you will list each of the questions from Part 6 individually on the given chart. Then, copy and paste into the chart the direct quote from the source that relates to the questions . Finally, PARAPRHASE this quote---state what the quote says in your own words.
How to Complete a Source Sheet Part 4—Additional Information This is your chance to add interesting facts that you did not know so you really couldn’t even ask a question about it. These are the facts that will take your research in interesting directions, and allow you to add more questions. These facts may also change your resarch focus a bit, and you may find yourself narrowing your focus even more as you find them.
How will you use your source sheets? Source sheets are very important---they help you think through the information that you discover. Source sheets help you connect your questions with the information that you discover. You will use your PARAPHRASED comments on the Source Sheets directly within your paper.