MOTIVATION DEFINED The set of processes that arouse, direct and maintain behavior towards attaining some goal. –Arousal: Drive or Effort –Direction: Goal Orientation –Maintenance: Persistence
ASPECTS OF MOTIVATION ArousalDirectionMaintenanceGoal Make an impression Good impression made Compliments work Persist Stays latePersist Does favorsPersist
MORE MOTIVATION BASICS Motivation is multifaceted -- a single behavior can reflect multiple motives Performance is affected by motivation + ability + opportunity
MASLOW’S NEED HIERARCHY Physiological Needs Safety Needs Belongingness Needs Esteem Needs Self Actualiza - tion Needs
ALDERFER’S ERG THEORY Growth Needs Relatedness Needs Existence Needs
MCCLELLAND’S NEED THEORY Need for Achievement –preference for situations where they can be personally responsible for the outcomes –preference for moderately difficult tasks –desire performance feedback
MCCLELLAND’S NEED THEORY, CONT. Need for affiliation –desire for friendly interpersonal relationships –enjoy communicating –want others to like them Need for power –desire to influence others –complex need
SELF-EFFICACY Defined -- The belief concerning ability to perform a task. It is similar to a sense of confidence. –develop by direct or vicarious experience –persist at tasks longer in the face of failure –strong needs for feedback as a way of modifying behavior
APPLICATIONS Appreciate diversity Provide satisfaction for extrinsic motivation Appreciate intrinsic motivation
BACKWARDS & FORWARDS Summing up -- defined and looked at basic aspects of motivation, examined need hierarchy theories, examined other need theories, derived applications Next time -- process theories of motivation, expectancy theory and equity theory