A LOOK AT THE RESOURCE Presented by the ULM Library Reference Department
Session Overview What *IS* it, exactly? What can I use it for? What does it do? Here’s how it works Getting to it from home Questions?
What *IS* It, Exactly? CQ Researcher is a searchable collection of authoritative reports addressing current issues and topics from around the world The reports are written by experienced, reliable journalists and include the resources they’ve used The reports are also fact-checked by professionals The scope of CQ Researcher is global Reports are updated as new info is discovered CQ Researcher is considered a scholarly source and is therefore appropriate for your research projects
What Can I Use It For? Like Wikipedia, CQ Researcher can provide you with an introduction, overview, and in-depth look at a topic – the difference being that CQ Researcher is written by recognized authorities, is fact-checked, and is fully intended for proper research You can use it to obtain reports and resources for any kind of research assignment or project You can use it to give yourself a crash-course on topics you may not be AS familiar with
What Does It Do? It allows you to browse topics OR you can browse reports OR you can search the collection using keywords It provides you with any reports that match your keywords It allows you to or print a copy of a report OR just a section of a report It’ll cite the report FOR YOU in a variety of formats (including APA and MLA), which you can copy and paste into your paper
Here’s How It Works In order to access the database, you’ll need to start with the Library’s homepage – so that’s where we’ll start, so you can see CQ Researcher in action:
Getting To It From Home Most of the Library’s electronic resources can be accessed remotely – that is, from places other than campus or the Library – via the website However, in order to use the resources, you’ll have to login Your login information is very simple: Username: Campus Wide ID (CWID) Password: MMYY CQ Researcher is one of the resources that can be accessed from off-campus
Getting To It From Home
Remember, if you need research help, all you have to do is ask the librarians. You can… Visit the Reference Desk, Library 1 st floor us at Call us at (318) Thanks for your attendance!