Paul Mundy Writeshops to produce information materials Getting information out of heads and onto paper… in a form that normal mortals can understand
Writeshops Intensive 3 days–2 weeks 20–40 participants Scientists, extension, NGOs, indigenous specialists, farmers, teachers… Wide range of expertise and interests
Writeshop purpose To produce info materials on specific theme 40+ writeshops on different themes Agroforestry Ethnoveterinary medicine Sustainable agriculture Public awareness? Simplify science for users Capacity building for national institutions/NGOs Document experiences & best practices
Some publications produced through writeshops
Sample topic Chapters 5-7 pages long Simple but attractive design Start with human- interest story Illustration
Sample topic Box for info that does not fit well into main text Frequent headings, short paragraphs Bulleted lists Easy-to-read, journalistic style
Sample page Ethnoveterinary medicine in Asia Short chapters (“topics”) Clear, concise, easy to understand Standard format Illustrations
Writeshop process Preparation Writeshop Final revisions Publish
Writeshop process 1 Preparation Identify broad theme Identify topics Select resource persons Assign topics Prepare logistics
Writeshop process 2 Draft 1 Present Critique Edit Draw Desktop publishing Draft 3 Comments Draft 2 Present Critique Revise Redraw Desktop publishing
Writeshop process 3 Final revisions Desktop publishing Publish Print Distribute Use Evaluate, follow-up
Writeshop advantages Fast, efficient, flexible 200 page book in 2 weeks Translates science into practice Easy to understand, illustrations Involves multiple stakeholders Scientists, extension, NGOs, farmers, audience members Wide distribution through multiple institutions Builds capacity Helps people write Promotes networking
Flexibility Can adapt structure as you go along Add or combine chapters Flexible timetable Coordinating committee meeting in evening to discuss next day Use small groups to brainstorm ideas Assign writing tasks to individuals or teams Individual participants can come and go But need a core of participants all the time
Flexibility Can add other activities Field trip Stakeholder discussion forum Project planning session Training course Can piggyback on other activities Conference Planning sessions
Size of writeshop Big Biodiversity of the W Ghats, India 100+ participants 100+ short manuscripts 2 weeks Medium Trading up Ca. 40 participants 8 chapters 15 cases 300 pages
Size of writeshop Medium Agricultura sostenible in Perú y Bolivia 8 chapters 16 cases 238 pages 8 days Small Conservation agriculture in Lesotho 6 participants 8 pages 1 day
Type of product Book Loose-leaf kit Training materials Policy brief Project proposal Extension booklets Brochures Policy?
Contents of book Cases + analysis Trading up How-to manual Conservation agriculture Set of stories Culture and change Reference book Field manual of camel diseases
Writeshop staff Writeshop coordinator Facilitators Editors Artists Computers, secretarial Interpreters
Writeshop coordinator Focuses on content Specialist in subject Conceptualizes book Develops framework Guides choice of topics and authors Develops sample chapter
Facilitator Guides “front of house” activities Guides and manages discussions Ensures focus on subject Guides traffic When participants understand process, they can take over facilitation
Editor(s) Number of editors depends on number and complexity of manuscripts Focuses on message in manuscript Works with authors to revise manuscript 3 modes of editing Editor revises manuscript, then checks with author Editor discusses with author, then author revises Editor and author revise manuscript together Editor finalizes manuscript after writeshop