Layout of the Presentation: 1. Introduction 2. Pre-experimental planning 3. Hypothesis Testing 4. Results and Discussion 5. Conclusion 6. References
Introduction Popping Corn is corn (maize) that expands from the kernel and puffs up when heated. Its kernels have a hard moisture-sealed hull and a dense starchy interior. This allows pressure to build inside the kernel until explosive “pop” results. Popcorn has always been a crucial element of sustenance in my life and I've always wondered what effects certain factors have in the making of a good batch.
Introduction Objective: To analyze factors (either alone, and their interactions) that have the effect in the preparation of popcorns.
Pre-Experimental planning Two factors oil and salt, each run at two levels low and high. Justification: Provides visualization and perception of the behavior of the model.
Pre-Experimental planning Factors and their Levels -Temperature : Constant -Oil: LIZA -Salt : Low level of salt (-)=3gm, High level of salt (+)=6gm -Oil: Low level of oil (-)=15gm and High level of oil (+)=25gm -Response Variable: Un-popped Corns -Constant amount of Corns (PINK)= 70 gm
Pre-Experimental planning Materials: -Balance -Stopwatch -Stove -Popcorn Pot
Pre-Experimental planning Constant Position of the Stove
Pre-Experimental Planning -Method of Experiment: -Put oil, salt and corn in the pot and put it on the stove. -Shaked the corns in the pot with the handle. -Remved the pot from the stove, when the popping process stoped for 4 seconds. -Separate the popped and unpoped popcorns. -Repeated it for 3 times for each level salt and oil.
Pre-Experimental planning Hypothesis Testing: The effect model in my case is given by; Y ijk = µ+ Ƭ i + β j +( Ƭ β ) ij + ϵ ijk { i=1,2 j=1,2 k=1,2,3 Where µ is the overall mean effect, Ƭ i is the effect of ith facter level of oil, β j is the jth column factor of salt, ( Ƭ β )ij is the interaction factor of salt and oil and ϵ ijk is the random error component.
Pre-Experimental planning -Testing Hypotheses : -Alpha = 0.05; -Ho: The effects of factors and their interactions = 0, for all levels; -H1: The effects of factors and their interactions ≠ 0, for some levels.
Pre-Experimental planning Both low levels states (-,-):
Pre-Experimental planning High and Low level state (+,-):
Pre-Experimental planning Low and High Level state (-,+):
Pre-Experimental planning Both High level states(+,+):
Results and Discussions: Overall data Table of the Experiment:
Results and Discussions: Results Table StdOrder RunOrder CenterPtBlocksOILSALTResults
-Rejection of Ho; With the significance level alpha = 0.05, the factors salt and oil can be considered significant, as well as their interactions.
Results and Discussions: From the study of 2 k factorial designs experiments, It is clear that the effect of oil with the combination of salt have a great effect on the popping process. The average effect of salt is negitive for the number of unpopped corns, which shows that increasing the amount of salt (alone) increase the number of unpopped corns.
Discussions and Analysis of Results: -Analysis of Variance for the Experiment Source DF SS MS F P OIL 1 12,000 12,0000 2,00 0,195 SALT 1 96,333 96, ,06 0,004 Interaction 1 1,333 1,3333 0,22 0,650 Error 8 48,000 6,0000 Total ,667
Discussions and Analysis of Results: -Regression Analysis: The regression equation is Results = 10.2 – 1.00 O – 2.83 S Where O and S are coded variables for salt and oil respectively.
Discussions and Analysis of Results:
Discussions and Analysis of Results -Planning allowed the advance knowledge of the characteristics of the experiment. -The instruments used were appropriate; -Type of test and choose the level of significance was adequate; -Info numeric and graphic as the basis for rejecting Ho. -Verification of the factors studied in the response variable.
Discussions and Analysis of Results
CONCLUSION The effect of salt is important in the popping process, one of the most useful qualities of salt is it’s heat absorption. Salt is a crystal that can absorb heat very effectively because of its particular physical and chemical properties. Salt also increase the heat capacity of other liquids. Thats why in some Asain countries for example India, pakistan, Bangladesh and Sarilanka the popcorns are prepared in salt only.
CONCLUSION The place where it prepared is called Butt (spacial place for popcons). As salt got heat very quickly, so when it gots enough heat, then it became easy to prepare allot of popcorns in shart time.
References [1] D. C. Montgomery. Analysis and Design of Experiments. John Wiley & Sons, 5th ed. edition,2001. [2] D. C. Montgomery and G. C. Runger. Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers. John Wiley & Sons, 3rd ed. edition, 2003.