Science Fair Sample Notebook
Cover Page Creative title Picture Name School/Grade Irvine Unified School District Science teacher Classroom teacher Date (Month/Year)
Table of Contents Include page #’s
Investigative Question May be combined with intro page May include pictures
Introduction Important to introduce the project and create interest in reading the rest of the project
Background Research At least one full page summary Double spaced Professional font 12-14 font size 1” borders
Background Research
Background Research
Hypothesis Uses background research factual evidence Includes prediction Explains WHY Be specific
Materials List of materials used including amounts/ quantities
Procedures Numbered list of steps used for experiment Sequential order
Observations Quantitative = numbers (like quantity) Qualitative = using the 5 senses (like qualities)
Observations More observations the better
Data Tables Easy to read Clear data Organized Includes all variables Includes unit of measurement
Data Tables Shows multiple trials performed At least 5 trials per variable for most experiments
Data Tables
Data Tables Shows averages Compiles data
Graph of Data Shows average data Data from trials Colorful, easy to read Includes unit of measurement Includes all variables used May be hand made if MS Excel not available
Conclusion Restates Hypothesis Answers Investigative Question Provides some data as evidence Uses Background Research to support findings Includes interesting findings and potential reasons for them
Conclusion The conclusion is the finale of the whole project, make it good!
Future Research What would you change about the project – why? What you might research/test next ? What sparked interest ?
Applications How will you apply what you learned to relate to your own life? How can your findings be used in the “real world”
Acknowledgments Oscar acceptance speech! Who helped – and how did they help! Include scientist from “Ask-A-Scientist night”
Bibliography MLA format Alphabetical order Minimum of 2 sources ( 1 should be a good old fashioned book!)
Appendices Raw data (handwritten) Official forms, if needed Signatures of participants, if needed
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