World Geography With Coach Naquin
Do you know how to pronounce Naquin? Nah-Can
We are here to learn. Course Syllabus
To Learn Is to Watch and Ask A recent study at the University of Louisville found that figuring things out yourself takes longer— with far less accurate results —than observing and communicating with others in the know. Watching the experts—and asking them for their expertise —results in a faster, richer learning curve.
Cooperation is vital to learning.
Procedures are necessary for a productive learning environment.
V for volume Peace and quiet 2 eyes on me
Ask for help!
Raise your hand Help is on the way!!
Listen to and learn from other’s questions.
Respect others comments, opinions and questions
One at a time during classroom conversations.
Shake your thumb to let your buddies know now isn’t a good time!
No Drama.
There are no mistakes, no win or lose… there is only MAKE! a moment
Keep Swimming!
Safety Procedures
We’ll come back to more on how this class functions in a moment…
Who is this lady?
Elanie You can call me Ms. Naquin, Coach Naquin or Coach N.
Why I teach!
Cause and Effect con·se·quence noun \ˈkän(t)-sə-ˌkwen(t)s, -kwən(t)s\ CloseStyle: MLA APA Chicago Definition of CONSEQUENCE 1 : a conclusion derived through logic : inferenceinference 2 : something produced by a cause or necessarily following from a set of conditions 3 a: importance with respect to power to produce an effect b: social importance 4 : the appearance of importance; especially: self-importanceself-importance — in consequence: as a result Consequences can be Positive or negative!
How Class Will Go… You’re going to work hard-and you’re going to think about all the kids all over the world who are working hard too (or not ) Bell to Bell- with a short break in the middle Current Events-Participation Points - used to develop essays Vocabulary Practice Lesson ONE HOUR OF HOMEWORK PER NIGHT. PERIOD.
More on life in general…