0 0 Open Source Mobile Phone Platform for Community Health
1 Background di ⋅ ma ⋅ gi: [Hindi] adj. related to the mind, smart Founded in 2002 at Harvard and MIT Media Lab Successful track record of developing diverse & innovative technology solutions for healthcare Core-Collaborate model: Core team of Dimagi experts collaborates with >40 institutional and individual partners Experience with US and Global healthcare delivery best practices spanning over 20 countries Leadership in healthcare Open-Source development Highly qualified team with physicians, scientists, public health experts, engineers and management consultants 1 CONFIDENTIAL
2 Mission 2 CONFIDENTIAL Dimagi's mission is to integrate innovative technology into global public and private services in order to improve human health and wellbeing. We seek collaborations and partners that emphasize local ownership and open access to the systems and technologies that we support.
3 Creating Impact Through Technology CONFIDENTIAL 3 A Community Health Worker in a Ugandan village using Dimagi’s mobile health application to capture antenatal care data Dimagi’s projects have been improving the quality of life and of health care around the world Aware of the resource-poor areas in which it works, Dimagi also develops license-free solutions that it scales with large NGO partners in the local regions Dimagi is the founding member of multiple open-source consortiums and the lead developers in many open-source projects
5 C OMM C ARE P ROGRAM G OALS CHW: High-quality, community-based care CommCare provides modules that help CHWs perform their jobs well, and leverages mobile technology to collect data efficiently and accurately Clinic / Supervisor: Coordinated supervision and management CommCare generates reports on CHW activities and can provide alerts and reminders by SMS or MoH / HQ: Real-time, data-rich monitoring and evaluation and population health surveillance CommCare captures a wealth of health surveillance information that can be aggregated in real-time from a distributed network 123
6 T HE V ALUE OF USING C OMM C ARE Community Health Worker Clinic / Supervisor Ministry of Health / HQ Data collection Job Aid Checklists Reminders Case management Feedback Supervisor reports Alerts, reminders and follow-up triggers Activity reports and ability to track individual cases Basic error checking and health stats Population management Epidemiologic surveillance Interoperability with HMIS Capabilities Benefits Quality improvement Protocol adherence Decision support Work management Supervision and performance management Communication among health workers / care coordination Workforce improvement Data consistency Rapid turnaround
7 C URRENT A ND P LANNED C OMM C ARE D EPLOYMENTS Used in 8 countries and 14 public health organizations Over 90,000 forms Lead OrganizationCountryImplementing OrganizationsTopicStatus BRACTanzaniaUWRoutine careFinished CAREIndiaD-treeSafe motherhoodLaunching CIDRZZambiaCIDRZ, DimagiSafe motherhoodOngoing CRSIndiaDimagiSafe motherhoodLaunching CRSMalawiD-tree ManyLaunching CRSTanzaniaD-treeOrphans and Vulnerable childrenFinished Grameen-IntelBangaldeshDimagiSafe motherhoodOngoing IntraHealthIndiaDimagiSafe motherhoodLaunching ITIDOTanzaniaUW, DimagiRoutine care, safe motherhoodOngoing JHPIEGOTanzaniaD-treeSafe motherhoodLaunching NEEDSIndiaDimagiSafe motherhoodOngoing MVPTanzaniaD-treeSafe motherhoodFinished PATHTanzaniaD-treeTBFinished PathfinderTanzaniaD-treeHIV supportOngoing PACT/PIHUSADimagiHIVLaunching PIHMexicoSelfdrug dosingOngoing UNICEFTanzaniaD-treeSafe motherhoodLaunching Univ. Michigan.South AfricaSelfMDR-TBLaunching World VisionAfghanistanDimagiSafe motherhoodLaunching World VisionMozambiqueDimagiSafe motherhoodLaunching
10 S AMPLE H OUSEHOLD V ISIT F ORM B REAKDOWN Identify household Basic household survey Identify deceased persons Identify pregnant patients Identify HIV patients Identify sick patients Child health
11 C OMM C ARE HQ: C ENTRAL S ERVER All household visit forms sent to central server HQ supports standard reports and custom reports Available via internet or can be automatically sent out Possible to connect to existing HMIS systems Data collection and aggregation Health Surveillance Workforce management and improvement
12 E XAMPLE R EPORTS Submissions by CHW over Time Case Activity by CHW
14 CHW CLINIC/ SUPERVISOR CLIENT CommCareHQ SUPERVISOR/DISTRICT/PROVINCE PROGRAM MANAGERS SMS - Alerts - Activity reports - Health stats - Coordination GPRS - Form Submission - Work Management - Activity reports Data Collection Supervisor Reports Feedback Quality Improvement P ROPOSED U SE OF C OMM C ARE IN CHW P ILOT
15 P ROPOSED I MPLEMENTATION P LAN Define scope and create MOU with MOH and other stakeholders Create CommCare forms based on paper process and curriculums Plan Integration with existing HMIS and IT systems Identify MOH team lead for CommCare design period Monitor and Improve Deploy Iterate Planning / Set-up “Design and Refine” with CHWs Improve usability Pre-pilot and field test Run Study with CHWs during 3 to 6-month pilot Meet with select CHWs bi-weekly to gather feedback Provide weekly reports and feedback to all stakeholders Call under-performing CHWs to understand barriers (Can’t charge phone, no coverage, etc). Evaluate data for changes needed, deploy updated technology Enroll next cohort of CHWs