Presents The Traverse City Michigan Optimist Club Cabin Property Grand Traverse County For Support In Preservation and Education Traverse City Optimist Club Youth Environmental Education “Cabin Property” Optimist Club Youth Foundation The Optimist Club of Traverse City Michigan
The “Cabin Property” – An Environmental Treasure For Youth Growth & Education
The Cabin Property – History and Use zDonated by Art and Mary Schmuckal to the Optimist Youth Foundation zTraverse City visitors center Cabin was moved to the property in 1964 zFormal Dedication of Property and Trails System in Grand Traverse County in 2000 zPartnership with T.C.A.P.S. and SEEDS zUsed by Elementary schools students zBoy Scouts for Merit badges and camping zYoung Marines for growth and training
Cabin Property Dedication zThe Cabin Property and trail system was officially dedicated in Fall of 2000 zThis made the property available to various youth organizations for education and recreation zProperty use by youth groups increases yearly
The “Cabin Property” - A Unique Opportunity For Youth Education
The Cabin Property - A Unique Setting For Outdoor Youth Group Activities z½ Mile South of M-37/US 31 Intersection z44 Acre nature retreat on Beitner Creek zSecured Access zCovered Pavilion Picnic Facilities zCamp Fire Pit and Bench Seating zFour Marked Educational Trails zHistoric Cabin and Storage Building zUnique outdoor classroom for students zWater Hand Pump, and Privy
The Cabin Property – An Outdoor Environmental Education Opportunity
The Cabin Property – a Natural Setting on Beitner Creek, in Boardman Valley
The Cabin Property – Includes a Unique Outdoor Classroom Island Deck
The Cabin Property Optimist Youth Foundation Not–for-profit organization (501-c3) Property must be used for education or charitable purposes with a concentration around youth. yFoundation organized in 1969 yGoverned by a Board of (elected members from the Optimist Club of Traverse City) yContinual improvements toward the use as an environmental education site for youth
The Cabin Property Invitation to the Grand Traverse Area Partnership for use of property for youth education and recreation, including addition improvements for Native American natural and cultural exhibits to the property possibly including construction, maintenance, and use of yShelters in traditional woodland village yArtesian well enhancements yEducational trail markings yTrail system maintenance and improvement
The Cabin Property We invite a community partnership zThis property is unique for natural environmental education and recreation zWe want to share opportunities with a more diverse local base. zWe respect the natural education heritage of our Native American history and the value this land offers in youth education.
The Cabin Property - A Natural Setting for Youth Support and Education
The Cabin Property Next Steps zThe Optimist Club invites local Boy Scout Troupes and other youth organizations into a partnership for development. zOur mission is to continually increase the usability of our Cabin Property facilities for the benefit of youth education throughout the greater Northern Michigan Region.
For more information about the Traverse City Michigan Optimist Club Contacts: Mike Brown Phone The Optimist Club of Traverse City
~ friend of youth ~