Tsalagi: Speakers of Another Language The Cherokee Tsalagi: Speakers of Another Language
Cherokee Territory The Cherokee are the original residents of the Southeast American states of: Georgia North Carolina South Carolina Virginia Kentucky Tennessee
Cherokee Men’s Clothing Cherokee men wore breechcloth aprons, a decorated piece of leather or cloth worn over their breechcloth, and leggings.
Cherokee Women’s Clothing The traditional dress of the Cherokee women is called the tear dress. Worn for everyday use, it was made of cotton with dark background and lighter colored figures within the pattern.
Cherokee Homes The Cherokee lived in wattle and daub houses made by weaving river cane, wood, and vines into a frame, then coating the frame with plaster. The roof was either thatched with grass or shingled with bark.
The Cherokee Household The house was usually large, because Cherokees lived with their children, the mother's parents, and unmarried siblings of the mother. A husband joined the family of his wife.
Cherokee Government www.cherokee.org Cherokee Indians divided power between men and women. Both men and women took part in music, storytelling, artwork, and medicine.
The Role of Cherokee Men Cherokee men were in charge of hunting, war, and diplomacy. They were chiefs and made political decisions for the tribe.
The Role of Cherokee Women Cherokee women were in charge of farming, property, family, and were the landowners. They also made social decisions for the clans.
Transportation by Canoe Cherokee Indians used to make long dugout canoes from hollowed-out logs. They used canoes for transportation as well as fishing.
Transportation by the Travois Over land, the Cherokees used dogs as pack animals. There were no horses in North America until colonists brought them over from Europe.
Cherokee women grew crops of corn, beans, squash, and sunflowers. Cherokee Farming Cherokee women grew crops of corn, beans, squash, and sunflowers.
Cherokee Hunters Cherokee men hunted deer, wild turkeys, and small game and fished in the rivers.
Cherokee women also gathered berries, nuts and fruit to eat. Cherokee Gatherers Cherokee women also gathered berries, nuts and fruit to eat.
Cherokee Hunting Tools Cherokee hunters used bows and arrows or blowguns to shoot game. Fishermen generally used spears and fishing poles.
Cherokee Gathering Tools Tools used by the Cherokee Indians included stone hand axes for woodworking, flint knives for skinning animals, wooden hoes for farming, and pots and baskets for storing corn.
The Cherokee Nation The Cherokee Nation was one of the most advanced Native American tribes in the 1500’s. They thrived for thousands of years.
Discovery of Gold After gold was discovered in Georgia in the 1830s settlers decided they wanted Cherokee lands and Indian Removals began.
The Trail of Tears In 1838, thousands of Cherokee men, women and children were rounded up and marched 1,000 miles to Oklahoma. Thousands died in the internment camps, on the trail, and after arrival.
Resources Cherokee Nation, The (1998). The Cherokee Nation Seal. Retrieved on November 17, 2008 from http://www.cherokee.org Coats, C. (2007). Cherokee Double Woven Basket. Creative Commons Attribution 2.0. Retrieved on November 22, 2008 from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:IMAG0006.jpg Hedges, Kathryn. (2007). Inside the Native American Home. Retrieved on November 17, 2008 from http://pics.tech4learning.com/dsc02776.jpg. Kronsell, J. (2000). Statue of Sequoyah outside the Museum of the Cherokee Indians, Cherokee, North Carolina. Free Software Foundation, Inc. Retrieved on November 18, 2008 from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:SequoyahCarv.jpg
Lindsey, H. (2006). Cherokee-Creek Site. A modern Cherokee Tear Dress. Retrieved on November 18, 2008 from http://www.freewebs.com/creekandcherokeeinfo Lindneux, R. (1942). The Trail of Tears. The Granger Collection, New York Mooney, James. (1992). History, Myths, and Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees. Asheville. Bright Mountain Books Inc., Fairview Olesh, D. (2006). Crazy Horse Monument. Pics4Learning. Retrieved on November 23, 2008 from http://pics.tech4learning.com Redish, L., and Lewis, O. (1998). Native American Facts for Kids. http://www.bigorrin.org/cherokee_kids.htm
Rubinic, J. (2007). Ecuadorian Rainforest Blowgun. Creative Commons Attribution 2.0. Retrieved on November 22, 2008 from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Ecuadorian_Rainforest- blowgun.jpg