Part Three Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity SEERCP 2009, Sofia, Bulgaria WS_N: Tolerance for ambiguity, creativity and personality Katya Stoycheva Saturday, October 31, 2009
Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Katya Stoycheva (SEERCP 2009) European Year Creativity and Innovation
Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Katya Stoycheva (SEERCP 2009) ambiguity tolerance and creative performance the relation of ambiguity tolerance to creative motivation and need for achievement ambiguity tolerance and creative personality Topics
Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Katya Stoycheva (SEERCP 2009) Ambiguity tolerance and creative performance
Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Katya Stoycheva (SEERCP 2009) High TFA adolescents : generated more original ideas and solutions to the verbal tasks of the TTCT generated less descriptive and more abstract titles to the figural tasks of the TTCT
Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Katya Stoycheva (SEERCP 2009) High TFA students: provided more broad and generalised problem redefinitions received higher mean creativity score on their solutions to redefined problems
Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Katya Stoycheva (SEERCP 2009) Ambiguity tolerance and creativity motivation
Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Katya Stoycheva (SEERCP 2009) McDonald’s AT-20/BG 117 Students aged r = 0.34 * * 279 Adults aged r = 0.45 * * * Torrance’s creative motivation Norton’s MAT-50/BG Adolescents aged r = 0.32 * * 135 Students aged r = 0.38 * * *
Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Katya Stoycheva (SEERCP 2009) Creative motivation items that differentiate students with high and low tolerance of ambiguity don’t pay attention to the wild ideas dislike getting into things where I don’t know what’s going to happen enjoy work in which must keep trying new approaches fascinated by new ideas, whether or not they have practical value enjoy tackling a job that involves many as yet unknown difficulties get excited about trying out a new idea that may have no practical value
Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Katya Stoycheva (SEERCP 2009) Creative motivation and need for achievement are positively related 106 Adolescents aged r = 0.32 * * 135 Students aged r = 0.38 * * * also 1286 Adolescents aged r = 0.40* * *
Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Katya Stoycheva (SEERCP 2009) Creative motivation items that differentiate students with high and low need for achievement put a lot of energy and hard work in what they do enjoy getting into things that involve unknown difficulties get excited when an idea begins to work out Need for achievement items that differentiate students with high and low creative motivation take up several things to do at the same time give up something that can be achieved only with great efforts always interfere if a question is being incompetently discussed get enthusiastic when they talk about their work and plans
Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Katya Stoycheva (SEERCP 2009) Creative motivation empowers the individual in his/her intrinsically motivated engagement with creative pursuits. Need for achievement empowers the individual in his/her expenditure of time, energy and efforts in the creative work.
Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Katya Stoycheva (SEERCP 2009) Tolerance for ambiguity is related positively to creative motivation but is not related to need for achievement.
Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Katya Stoycheva (SEERCP 2009) Tolerance of ambiguity may empower the intrinsically motivated exploration of novel, unusual or complex stimuli and situations. However, ambiguity tolerance is not related to the search for the best standards of achievement in the results of the creative work.
Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Katya Stoycheva (SEERCP 2009) ambiguity tolerance and creative performance the relation of ambiguity tolerance to creative motivation and need for achievement ambiguity tolerance and creative personality Topics
Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity Katya Stoycheva (SEERCP 2009 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Jacobs Foundation NATO Research Fellowship Laboratory of Cognition and Development University Rene Descartes, Paris, France Institute of Psychology, Academy of Sciences Sofia, Bulgaria The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences
Ambiguity Tolerance and Creativity SEERCP 2009, Sofia, Bulgaria WS_N: Tolerance for ambiguity, creativity and personality THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION FOR YOUR ATTENTION ! Katya Stoycheva