Marketing By The Numbers (aka) Revenue-driven Marketing Jill K. Snyder
Agenda Rivers of Revenue discussion “Marketing By The Numbers” Introduction and Examples Lead Incubation Introduction and Examples
Brief Biography 28 years of high tech, entrepreneurial, and marketing experience Began career at IBM 3 high tech startups post-IBM VP of Marketing for Aprimo, ExactTarget, YourEncore and the Schneider Corporation Consulted with numerous clients including Walker Information, Vontoo, Hancock Telecom, Pearl Street Venture Funds, Centrasep, and others
Rivers of Revenue Your current river is drying up. Or, you just need to find new sources of income, so your company can grow. Whatever the cause, it's time for you to identify new rivers of revenue and start making sales. 2004
Marketing By The Numbers Ensure that the marketing plan/strategy that you put in place supports the key business targets Business targets can be revenue, number of customers, number of sales appointments, etc. You will need to make some assumptions first time around. Fine-tune over time. If you can’t measure it, don’t do it.
Marketing By The Numbers Number of total leads needed % of leads that qualified % of prospects to meet with % of proposals that close Number of new customers/revenue
Marketing By The Numbers Example: Revenue Target$100,000 Average deal size$5,000 # of deals needed from new customers20 % of proposals from new customers that close75% Number of proposals to new customers27 % of sales calls that lead to a proposal20% Number of sales calls needed133 % of qualified leads that turn into a sales call10% Number of qualified leads needed1333
Marketing By the Numbers Example: Marketing Tactic Audience SizeConversion % Leads CostCost per Lead marketing campaign/newsletter 15,0003% 450 $ 2, $ 4.44 exhibit at conferences/events 5,0005% 250 $ 10, $ local/regional media coverage 5,0002% 100 $ 4, $ speaking engagements 50010% 50 $ 1, $ search engine marketing (PPC) 35,0002% 700 $ 5, $ 7.14 seminar series 6005% 30 $ 1, $ internet advertising 12,0002% 240 $ 3, $ direct marketing 15,0002% 300 $ 15, $ print advertising 10,0001% 100 $ 2, $ ,100 2,220 $ 43, $ Target: 1,333
Marketing By the Numbers Example: Marketing Tactic Audience SizeConversion % Leads CostCost per Lead marketing campaign/newsletter 15,0003% 450 $ 2, $ 4.44 exhibit at conferences/events 5,0005% 250 $ 10, $ local/regional media coverage 5,0002% 100 $ 4, $ speaking engagements 50010% 50 $ 1, $ search engine marketing (PPC) 35,0002% 700 $ 5, $ 7.14 seminar series 6005% 30 $ 1, $ internet advertising 12,0002% 240 $ 3, $ direct marketing 15,0002% 300 $ 15, $ print advertising 10,0001% 100 $ 2, $ ,330 $ 43, to $11,500 $ to $8.04 Target: 1,333
Client Example: Planned Actual January - 15% growth % February - 15% growth % March - 15% growth % April - 15% growth % May - 15% growth % June - 15% growth % July - 10% growth % August - 5% growth % September - 5% growth % October - 5% growth % November - 10% growth % December - 10% growth %
Client Example: Multiple P/L Centers P/L 1P/L 2P/L 3P/L 4P/L 5P/L 6 Revenue Goal Backlog Recurring Revenue 1000 Revenue Target Average Deal Size Number of deals Needed % of Opptys that Close40%10% 50%20%50% Number of Opptys Needed % of leads > to Opptys10% 15%50%20%50% Number of leads Needed % of leads needed from Mtkg10% 0%50%10% Number of Mktg leads needed Number of leads/month Cost per qualified lead $ Discretionary Mktg Budget $64,293.33
Client Example: Multiple P/L Centers
How Do You Measure Success? OCTOBER 22, 2009 Custom content good for ROI Nearly three-quarters of companies have guidelines to measure the success of their marketing programs, and for one-half such measurements are a requirement for obtaining marketing funding, according to the King Fish Media “2009 Survey on Marketing, Media and Measurement,” conducted in partnership with HubSpot, Junta42 and the Upshot Institute. King Fish MediaHubSpotJunta42Upshot Institute The No. 1 metric of success for the marketing and sales managers polled was the number of new customers acquired. Lead generation and increased sales were also tracked by more than two-thirds of respondents.
Lead Incubation
Turning suspects into prospects into customers Marketing at each stage is different Suspects >>>>>> Prospects >>>>>> Customers
Lead Incubation TradeshowsPhone-insConferences Print Advertisements campaignsLoyalty programs Yellow Page AdsInside Sales/TelemarketingNewsletters Banner AdsTargeted direct marketingUpgrade offers Public RelationsSeminar AttendeesExclusive offerings Television/Radio AdvertisingInvite to special events White Papers Suspects >>>>>> Prospects >>>>>> Customers
Lead Incubation Process – Example 1 High tech software company Utilized state-of-the-art technology Highly automated Thousands put into process Entrants into the process daily and from multiple ‘touch points’
Web Forms RingLead sent to general box Place in incubation Q Update Lead Score Sales Dev Team Calls Lead created in Web-to-Lead De-dup New Lead? YES </= 15 minutes Is Score >= 40? YES Enter leads to Convert to an Opportunity Sales Team NO * Opt-in to e-news AA Incoming Call Leads run thru Ringlead Lead Retrieval downloaded ACD to Sales Dev Team </= 15 minutes * All info updated Shows/ Speaking Bus. Cards Scanned </= 48 hours Sales Development Lead Process Banner Ad Demo Req. Powered By Referral Prog. Barter Promo SEM - pay SEO - natural Other…. Tradeshow Speaking gig Conferences Assign to Sales Dev Rep Is this a Lead? Create Lead in YES NO Augment record in sf
Marketing By The Numbers Questions / Comments Jill Snyder