LEARNING FROM ADVOCACY: A CASE OF OER POLICY IMPLEMENTATION IN THE WAWASAN OPEN UNIVERSITY Professor Dr Mohandas Menon, Assistant Vice-chancellor & Puan Kamsiah Mohd. Ali, Director, Library and Learning Services Unit
This Case Report is based on the work related to OER done in Wawasan Open University in the last over one and a half years The authors are presenting the WOU experience on OER policy formulation and implementation- Work in Progress
Developments in OER Adoption WOU Council asking the University to consider the use of available OER materials in its Course Development- December 2010 Launch OER-Asia-May 2011 WOU strengthening its human resources to take up the Challenge- April 2011 Internal discussions on OER use begins towards formulation - from June 2011 Moodle based WOU LMS upgraded- March 2012
Developments in OER Adoption Two pilot courses taken up for development with OER use- with the purpose of model building in OER integration in WOU learning designs June 2011-June 2012 Individual initiatives among academics OER-Steering Committee Constituted Schools initiating OER integration in selected courses WOU-OER Policy approved-July 2012
Developments in OER Adoption OER Capacity Building Plan approved and training of different groups initiated- March 2012 WOU Open License policy formulated- August 2012 Preparations for developing OER Repositories- both external and internal resources- March-September 2012
WOU-OER-Policy POLICY DECLARATION WOU will promote and implement the creation, reuse, remix, repurpose and redistribution of Open Educational Resources (OER) within an Open Licensing framework
WOU-OER Policy Commitments Top management will promote, foster and reward all efforts towards OER creation and use Academic staff will be committed to the OER philosophy and practice of in their professional engagements Academic and academic support staff will support creation and use of OER by learners thereby helping them to be prepared for the knowledge society.
WOU- Open License Policy POLICY DECLARATION Wawasan Open University (WOU) is committed to share its intellectual property with the education and learning community within the framework of its Open Educational Resources (OER) Policy
WOU Open License
OER Integrated Pilot Courses Launched: Jan 2012 & July TCC 242/05 Web database application: introduction to Web development and PHP.
School specific OER Integration Plans Each School developed plans for OER Integration Newly approved Course Development Models ‘Wrap-around model’ with only OER ‘Stand-alone model’ based on OER and other resources
OER Capacity Building Activities OER Concepts OER Search Open Licensing Integration OER in Course Development Designing Learning in an OER environment OER Integration and QA
Professor Dr Mohandas Menon, Assistant Vice-chancellor & Puan Kamsiah Mohd. Ali, Director, Library and Learning Services Unit This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License