Case Study of a contemporary international sporting event Case Study: South Africa 2010 World Cup Finals Part 1 - Analyse the geographic factors that influenced the choice of venue(s).
National TV image of SA
South Africa – Message to the World
Over to you.. Geographic Factor 1. Choice of Venues stadium.htm - Use this weblink to copy the map of host venues and comment on their distribution within the country of South Africa. stadium.htm Use the same map to comment on the pattern of venues compared to major transportation networks e.g. airports and roads. (note the scale of the country)
Sphere of influence Factor 2: Examine the factors affecting the sphere of influence for participants and supporters. world-championship-2010-in-south-africa/ world-championship-2010-in-south-africa/ Plot the participating countries onto a map and carry out a spatial analysis of the teams that took part in the World Cup What does the article above seem to suggest? What evidence do they have for their suggestions? Was it true for the 2010 World Cup (Ask the two Davids & Victor)?
Factor 3: Short & long term geographic costs and benefits of hosting the World Cup at both local & national scale. economy/hide/watch/16937-film-kick-out-world-cup- poverty?utm_sourcehttp:// economy/hide/watch/16937-film-kick-out-world-cup- poverty?utm_source Go to the website above - Kick out World Cup poverty! Watch the videos and go on the interactive tour of the areas affected. Take notes of all important aspects (positive & negative) generated by the World Cup in 2010 Create your own promotional video / poster highlighting the Short & long term geographic costs and benefits of hosting the World Cup at both local & national scale (see example of