What is CT? CT scans use x-rays generated from the source that is rotated around the body to create 3 dimensional pictures of the body. What is an x-ray? An x-ray is a beam of radiation, similar to light, that can penetrate through the body. Is radiation harmful to my child? Even small amounts of radiation carry a low risk of being harmful. The effect of a small amount of radiation is not clearly understood, the doctors assume that it slightly increases the risk of cancer later in life When radiation is used appropriately, the benefits of a CT scan far exceeds the risks CT studies can provide critical information for the care of your child, but obtaining the image results in more radiation exposure for the study than a single x-ray. A Guide for Parents: Radiation Exposure From CT
Are there alternatives to CT ? Other radiology tests such as MRI or ultrasound do not use radiation and can sometimes provide similar information as CT Address concerns with your child’s referring physician BE YOUR CHILD’S ADVOCATE Discuss the reasoning for the examination with the physician and/or the radiologist Justify by: Make sure CT exam is necessary for diagnosing purposes Know alternatives available Keep track of your child’s medical imaging history to help decrease the number of repetitive exams in effort to reduce radiation exposure (example of Imaging Exam Record can be found at For more information visit: Tomography.aspx Tomography.aspx
References: pdf ct EmittingProducts/RadiationEmittingProductsandProcedures/medicalimaging/me dical-rays/ucm11537.htm#3