US-Korea Joint Workshop on Digital Libraries SDSC - August 10-11, 2000 Open Archives Edward A. Fox CS DLRL Internet TIC Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA
Acknowledgements (Selected) F Sponsors: ACM, Adobe, ARL, Belgian Science Found., CLIR, DARPA, IBM, LANL, Microsoft, NSF, OCLC, SPARC, US Dept. of Ed. (FIPSE), … F VT Faculty/Staff: Tony Atkins, Thomas Dunbar, John Eaton, Gwen Ewing, Peter Haggerty, Gary Hooper, Gail McMillan, Len Peters, James Powell, … VT Students: Emilio Arce, Fernando Das Neves, Brian DeVane, Robert France, Marcos Goncalves, Scott Guyer, Robert Hall, Neill Kipp, Paul Mather, Tim McGonigle, Todd Miller, Constantinos Phanouriou, William Schweiker, Ohm Sornil, Hussein Suleman, Patrick Van Metre, Laura Weiss, …
JCDL 2001 First Joint ACM/IEEE Conference on Digital Libraries F F June 24-28, 2001 in Roanoke, VA F Conference Committee: F General Chair: Edward A. Fox, Virginia Tech F Program Chair: Christine Borgman, UCLA F Treasurer: Neil Rowe, Naval Postgraduate School F Posters Chair: Craig Nevill-Manning, Rutgers U.
Definitions F Library ++ (library+archive+museum+…) F Distributed information system + organization + effective interface F User community + collection + services F Digital objects, repositories, IPR management, handles, indexes, federated search, hyperbase, annotation “The benefits of digital libraries will not be appreciated unless they are easy to use effectively.” - IITA Workshop report
5S Layers Societies Scenarios Spaces Structures Streams
Open Archives initiative OAi
OAi Philosophy F Self-archiving = submission mechanism F Long-term storage system = archive F Open interface = harvesting mechanism F Data provider + service provider F Start with “gray literature” –e-prints/pre-prints, reports, dissertations, …
Open Archives initiative (OAi) F high-energy physics (Ginsparg, 1991) F CSTR + WATERS = NCSTRL (Lagoze,1994) F xxx + NCSTRL = CoRR collaboration (1998) F Universal Preprint Service protoproto, Oct , 1999, Santa Fe – led by LANL, CNI, DLF, Mellon --> OAi F Santa Fe Convention (see Feb. D-Lib Magazine article) F Follow-on mtgs: Antonio, (ECDL) F Archives -> Open Archives –Support unique archive identifiers –Implement Open Archives Metadata Set (DC-based, using XML) –Implement Dienst harvesting interface (based on Dienst protocol) –Register the archive F Build tools, layer other services: linking, searching, …
Tiered Model of Interoperability Mediator services Metadata harvesting Document models
Repository of Digital Objects Repository Access Protocol handle Digital object terms and conditions
Open Archives (protoproto) F ArXiv & Los Alamos National Lab F CogPrints & U. Southampton F NACA & NASA (reports) F NCSTRL & Cornell U. F NDLTD & Virginia Tech F RePEc & U. Surrey F Total of around 200K records
Original Open Archives Members F American Physical Society F California Digital Library F Caltech F Coalition for Networked Info. F Cornell University F Harvard University F Library of Congress F Los Alamos Nat’l Lab F Mellon Foundation F NASA Langley Research Cntr F Old Dominion University F Stanford University F U. of Ghent F U. of Surrey F U. of Southampton F Vanderbilt University F Virginia Tech F Washington University
Open Archives Future F EconWPA (U. Washington) F e-biomed -> PubMed Central (NIH) F PubScience (DOE) F Clinical Medicine Netprints (+ other HighWire Press holdings ) F University ePub (California Digital Library) F All public e-prints (MIT) F Scholar’s Forum (Caltech) F Int’l: CERN, Germany, India, Mexico, … F Goal: millions of books/articles/reports / yr
Approaches to Open Archives Build By Discipline Build By Institution
Approaches to Open Archives Build By Discipline Build By Institution Author Category Interdisciplinary Year Language Query …
Virginia Tech Projects F MARC XML-DTD F Computer Science Teaching Centre (CSTC) F W3C Web Characterization Repository F OAi Repository Explorer F Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD)
MARC XML-DTD F XML Transport format for US-MARC records F Standardized metadata exchange format for traditional library services joining OAi
CS Teaching Center (CSTC) F Collection of reviewed online resources used to aid in teaching of Computer Science F Supports author submission and peer-review process for new ACM Journal of Educational Resources In Computing (JERIC) F Connected with NSDL (NSF 00-44) F
W3C Web Characterization Repository F Online database of metadata related to publications, tools and data sets dealing with Web characterization F Project of the Web Characterization Activity working group of the World-Wide-Web Consortium ( F
OAi Repository Explorer F Serves as a compliancy test F Allows browsing of open archives using only OAi protocol F Sends requests on behalf of user, parses and checks responses and displays browsable interface F Will detect most discrepancies in protocol F
Needed Enhancements F Multilingual support F Integration w. federated search (MARIAN) F Integration with citation databases and linking systems F Annotation system F Routing system F Connection with other related efforts F …