® Performance Framework Orientation October 9, 2012
® Co-chairs Rosalyn Scott, M.D. Chief of Thoracic Surgery at the Dayton VA Medical Center, Professor of Surgery and Biomedical, Industrial and Human Factors Engineering at Wright State University Tim Willett, M.D. Director of Research and Development for SIM-one
® Staff Valerie Smothers Deputy Director, MedBiquitous Jody Poet Administrative Manager, MedBiquitous
® And YOU! Provide subject matter expertise on the structure and use of performance frameworks in health professions education Share your work Review and provide feedback on documents
® Competencies Working Group Susan Albright, Tufts University Mary Pat Aust, American Association of Critical- Care Nurses Dana Bostrom, Association of American Medical Colleges Allan Cumming, M.D., University of Edinburgh Kelly Caverzagie, University of Nebraska Medical Center Stephen Clyman, National Board of Medical Examiners Matthew Cownie, University of the West of England Rachel Ellaway, Ph.D., Northern Ontario School of Medicine Robert Englander, Association of American Medical Colleges Maria Esquela, Advanced Informatics Simon Grant, JISC-CETIS Linda Gwinn, Georgetown University Ted Hanss, University of Michigan Robyn Herring, University of Mississippi Sean Hilton, St. George's University of London Joshua Jacobs, National University of Singapore PJ Kania, Association of American Medical Colleges Kevin Krane, Tulane University David Kiger, Tufts University Linda Lewin, University of Maryland Chandler Mayfield, University of California, San Francisco JB McGee, University of Pittsburgh David Price, M.D., American Board of Family Medicine Daniel Rehak Isarin Sathitruangsak, Tufts University Juliane Schneider, Harvard University Lesley Southgate, M.D., St. George's University of London Nabil Zary, Karolinska Institute
® Objectives Develop an initial technical specification for the exchange and encoding of performance frameworks. Provide assistance to stakeholders in implementing technical specifications for performance frameworks.
® What are performance frameworks? The set of performance levels for competencies in a competency framework.
® Example 1
9 Tab C – Agenda Book Caveat: Draft proposal, not approved Example 2
® Competency Framework Competency Object Curriculum Report Other competency framework Educational Achievement data Performance Framework Mapping (SKOS) Almost there Development pending Vocabularies (MeSh, local, etc) Existing resources Our work
® Development Process
® What have we done so far Competency Framework specification Definition of terminology Analysis of existing competency frameworks Development of a conceptual model Survey of educators Use Cases Formal specifications for Competency Framework and Competency Object
® What we have done so far Performance framework Started environmental scan Drafted use cases
® Related efforts Educational Achievement Standard for learner competency data and other achievements Curriculum Report Standard for core curriculum data for compilation in a central database
® Funding AAMC is providing financial support to accelerate this project Twice monthly calls (see: )
® Timeline
® Communications Wiki: (new performance framework section) Mailing list:
® Next steps Finalize use cases Collect/present examples of different performance frameworks Commonalities Differences Develop requirements Conduct standards research