What are we doing today? What is WWI? What is WWI? Who were involved? Who were involved? Why did it happen? Why did it happen? Draw relations between the War in Europe and Asia Draw relations between the War in Europe and Asia
Voices from the Past … “We…shall destroy a third of the population in nearby lands. We shall achieve this by starvation. Physically breaking them will be more effective, especially among the young.” —Nazi Officer Gerd Von Rundstedt, 1942 —Nazi Officer Gerd Von Rundstedt, 1942
Benito Mussolini (Italy) and Adolf Hitler (Germany)
Consider whether this is a man, Who labours in the mud Who knows no peace Who fights for a crust of bread Who dies at a yes or a no. Picture from a Nazi Concentration Camp
Nazi soldiers displaying the bodies of Jewish victims to the German public.
Japanese Occupation in Malaya Heads of Sook Ching Victims displayed to the public Samsui Women
The mushroom cloud that rose over Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.
A child killed on the spot in Hiroshima. A woman with very bad burns rushed to the hospital in Hiroshima.
Hiroshima right after the bombing.
World War II Who? When? Why? When? Who? What? Why? Whitley Secondary School Name:_________________ Class:_________________ Chapter 6: How did WWII affect Singapore?
Who? The Allies The Allies (Britain, France, Russia and America) VS The Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, Japan)
Who? World War II was a war that was waged between two hostile camps – the Allies and the Axis Powers. World War II was a war that was waged between two hostile camps – the Allies and the Axis Powers. America, Russia, Britain and France were the Allies. The Axis Powers refers to Germany, Italy and Japan. America, Russia, Britain and France were the Allies. The Axis Powers refers to Germany, Italy and Japan.
What? A major war that was fought between two hostile camps – the Allies and the Axis Powers. Many countries from all the major continents were involved.
It was the greatest human slaughter that the world has ever seen. It was the greatest human slaughter that the world has ever seen. More than 100 million soldiers were mobilized to fight. More than 43 million people died – many of them civilians. More than 100 million soldiers were mobilized to fight. More than 43 million people died – many of them civilians.
When? World War II lasted from 1939 to World War II lasted from 1939 to It was more of a world war than World War 1. WHY? It was more of a world war than World War 1. WHY? Because more countries from the major continents – Europe, Africa and Asia were involved. Because more countries from the major continents – Europe, Africa and Asia were involved.
When? In Asia, War started with Japan’s bombing of the Marco Polo Bridge in China in In Asia, War started with Japan’s bombing of the Marco Polo Bridge in China in In Europe, it started with Germany’s invasion of 1939 in Poland.
WHY? Treaty of Versailles (1919) Germany ordered to pay millions of dollars in war reparations. Caused great humiliation to Germany; poverty and hardship increased. Rise of Fascism Strong government supported by military power.
WHY? Expansionism Nazi Germany wanted global domination. Japan wanted all of Asia as its colony Policy of Appeasement Britain and France thought that Germany’s expansionism could best be controlled by giving in to its demands. Germany and Japan took this as a sign of the Allies’ weakness
World War Two The Allied Powers Britain, France, Russia and America The Axis Powers Germany, Italy, Japan How did World War 2 affect Singapore? Fall of Singapore Life during the Japanese Occupation Immediate post-war problems V.S.
What have we done today? What is WWI? Who were involved? Why did it happen? Draw relations between the War in Europe and Asia