Diversification on the farm. Aim: To discover how and why farmers diversify
Why are the farmers looking at other ways to make money? Look at the farmers point of view on Fig A – p.38 (New Connections)Look at the farmers point of view on Fig A – p.38 (New Connections) Create a spider diagram showing the factors that make their job really tough.Create a spider diagram showing the factors that make their job really tough.
So what is the solution then?? Farmers are trying their hand at making money in different ways.Farmers are trying their hand at making money in different ways. As a class, brainstorm as many different ways for farmers to make money other than normal farming and just selling their land.As a class, brainstorm as many different ways for farmers to make money other than normal farming and just selling their land. Click on the tractor to see a short film about an ostrich farm in Scotland 4:21
Lets see how many you got…. Horse Stables Clay Pigeon shooting Farm Shop Organic crops Tearoom Golf Driving Range Bed & Breakfast Camping & Caravanning
Clay Pigeon Shooting
Bed & Breakfast January 1st to April 8th £175 per week
Golf Driving Range
Horse Stables Rates: Horses are £10.00 per horse per night. Travellers not staying at Riversong Farm may stable their horses for £10.00 per horse per night.
Read through the information about diversification choice for farmers and then fill in your grid sheet using as much detail as possible. Extension: Complete the DME on the Castleton farm. Read through the information about diversification choice for farmers and then fill in your grid sheet using as much detail as possible. Extension: Complete the DME on the Castleton farm.
Bad Joke! A horse walked into a pub and the barman said; hi horse, why the long face?