Accelerated Team Performance An overview of David Kantor’s approach to building sustainable team performance
The substantial benefits of teamwork are rarely realized within organizations today EFFECTIVE TEAMWORK High quality results Leverages collective wisdom Increases learning Builds commitment Improves accountability TYPICAL TEAMWORK Communication differences Personality clash Unclear roles Politics related to authority and power Unproductive conflict
Builds sustainable adaptive capabilities within the team David Kantor’s Accelerated Team Performance (ACTP) model builds sustainable capabilities within teams Introduces a neutral, structural language to describe patterns of successful and unsuccessful behavior Provides a quantitative assessment of current behaviors through observation and analysis Predicts ways in which the team will get “stuck” and provides actionable solutions that can be implemented without outside support Demonstrates measurable improvement in overall team effectiveness within an accelerated timeframe Builds sustainable adaptive capabilities within the team
David Kantor’s model has been rigorously and scientifically validated over the last 30 years ACTP model is derived the theory of Structural Dynamics which is based on 50 years of research including a large scale empirical study Major multinational organizations have relied upon Structural Dynamics for over a decade to drive high performance from both individual leaders and teams
The three stages of the ACTP model build the team’s long-term communicative competency PHASE 1 PHASE 2 Diagnosis Debrief Progress Assessment A Structural Dynamics consultant sits in on 3-5 typical team meetings Team members complete the Kantor Behavioral Baseline assessment An additional 3-5 team meetings are recorded for quantitative analysis A Structural Dynamics practitioner leads a half day working session to do the following: Debrief the individual and team behavioral profiles Present a quantitative analysis of behavioral patterns within the team and host group reflection Articulate the critical business deliverables for the next 6 week period Set specific team improvement goals Team applies the new insight in its work A Structural Dynamics consultant sits in on 1-2 additional meetings 3-5 team meetings are recorded for quantitative analysis The impact is assessed and debriefed in a half day working session with the team 12 weeks after the program was initiated
No other team development process includes the level of rigor and scientific validation as the ACTP Included in the Phase 1 ACTP process: Individual Kantor Baseline Behavioral Profiles for each of the members of the team A Kantor Baseline Behavioral Profile featuring predictive analysis on team dynamics A quantitative and qualitative analysis of team behavioral patterns based on in-person observation as well as offline analysis A half day facilitated debrief with specific recommendations for how the team can maximize performance Included in the Phase 2 ACTP process: A quantitative and qualitative analysis of team performance improvements based on in-person observation as well as offline analysis A half day facilitated reflection session on progress made enacting new team behaviors Final recommendations for building on and sustaining progress $14,000 $11,000
David Kantor, Ph.D., Inventor of Structural Dynamics and The Accelerated Team Performance Model Over the past fifty years, David Kantor, Ph.D., has been instrumental in bringing his unique model and counseling expertise to families, couples, organizations, leaders and interventionists as they work to achieve success through generative relationships with others. David began his career as a clinical psychologist and lecturer in Harvard University’s Department of Social Relations. From 1965 to 1975, he was an Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at Tufts University School of Medicine and served as the Director of Psychological Research and later as Chief Psychologist at Boston State Hospital. He also founded and became director of the Boston Family Institute, the first systems training program in Massachusetts, The Kantor Family Institute, and The Center for Training in Family Therapy at Boston State Hospital. In the 1980s and 90s, David began introducing his models to businesses, top-level executives, and organizational consultants, among them Arthur D. Little, Innovation Associates, MIT’s Dialogue Project, Origins, and Dialogos. From 2000 to 2009, David served as a Thought Leader and Partner at Monitor Group where he facilitated large-scale change to Fortune 100 companies. During his career, David has trained over a thousand systems interventionists and has written dozen of articles and several books, including research-based Reading the Room (Jossey-Bass, 2012), Inside the Family (Jossey-Bass, 1975 & Meredith Winter Press, 2003) and My Lover, Myself (Riverhead Books, 1999), producing a rich breadth of work that grounds his communication theories and practices today.