Financial Planning 2 Resource Mobilization
Learning Objectives Identify and understand various sources of funds Understand how the strategic planning process can help mobilize needed resources
Resources – A Key Theme Resources remain a key theme throughout the strategic planning process for the RH sector
Financial Planning Involves... Identify Resource Requirements Analyze Sources & Uses of Funds Budget Prioritize Resource Use Estimate Revenue & Expenses
Stakeholder Analysis Stakeholder analysis helps identify and involve people who can influence financial decisions It is a key strategic intervention for mobilizing resources
Situation Analysis Situation analysis involves an assessment of current resources –Are the available resources adequate and of good quality? –Are the available resources being used effectively and efficiently? –What are the main sources of funding?
Strategy Formulation Financial feasibility of the proposed strategy Strategic approach may focus on mobilization of resources
Strategy Implementation Implementation is a process of resource conversion It requires a significant recalculation of resources This is the most expensive part of strategic planning but also the most rewarding Permits monitoring and evaluation of resource use
Resources Products & Services Contraceptives & ARVs Vehicles Equipment Supplies
Resource Mobilization Through the Strategic Planning Process Involving key players in the planning process Maximizing available resources Mobilizing additional resources
Involving Key Partners in the Planning Process Ensuring government leadership Promoting community participation Involving major international development agencies
Maximizing Available Resources Current strategic interventions and programming –Still relevant? –Cost-effective? –Opportunities and/or imperatives for reallocation of resources? –Where are the priorities now? Adapting and responding to change Setting priorities
Mobilizing Additional Resources Identifying and mobilizing new partnerships Developing technical resource networks Raising funds from donors/IDAs