Project Inception Proposal Development Award Acceptance Award Management Award Close-Out Faculty Roles & Responsibilities -Share funding opportunities -Compliance -Approvals -Submission - Notified-Supplemental Award Proposals - REEport Proposal Coordinator Roles & Responsibilities Business Office Roles & Responsibilities OGCA Roles & Responsibilities -Idea -Funding -Collaborators -Scope of Work -Budget & Budget Narrative -Activity -Expenditures -Reporting - Clean up - Reports - Award vs. Assumption - Reading the Award -Funding info -Planning tools -Resource mgmt. -Review -Auth. approvals -Submission -Negotiation -Execution -Project Setup -Reporting -Invoicing -Compliance -Technical -Financial -Other -Review Proposal -Confirm Match - Communicate changes with Faculty -Maintain Budget -Reporting -Ensure compliance -Budget Wrap up
COMMUNICATION Key to a successful Project: COMMUNICATION
Project Inception Proposal Development Award Acceptance Award Management Award Close-out Faculty Roles & Responsibilities -Supplemental Award Proposals Proposal Coordinator Roles & Responsibilities Business Office Roles & Responsibilities OGCA Roles & Responsibilities -Share funding opportunities -Compliance -Approvals -Submission - Notified -Idea -Funding -Collaborators -Scope of Work -Budget & Budget Narrative - Award vs. Assumption - Reading the Award -Activity -Expenditures -Reporting -Invoicing -Compliance -Funding info -Planning tools -Resource mgmt. -Review -Auth. approvals -Submission -Negotiation -Execution -Project Setup -Review Proposal -Confirm Match - Communicate changes with Faculty -Maintain Budget -Reporting -Ensure compliance
FACULTY ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Buy equipment early on (best if no later than 60 days prior to end of award) Make sure salaries are set up as soon as you start work on your project If you have a subaward, review their invoices and sign off within a reasonable time (make sure they are delivering their reports, too) Get your travel approvals on- time, and submit expense reports timely
FACULTY ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Banner is the official financial “record” of the University. As such, the financial status of an account is reviewed regularly. Fund/Org accounts are used to record revenues and expenses by use of account codes. Account codes are the means of categorizing transactions among the various revenue and expense accounts.
FACULTY ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Account Code Categories: Salaries, wages Benefits Travel accounts Contractual Services (includes subawards) Commodities Equipment Student Aid F&A Miscellaneous (usually only used for Assumptions) Revenue accounts- selectively set up to identify source of funding
EFFORT CERTIFICATION UA has a trimester system Spring, Summer and Fall certifications Interim reports will be available via your Grant Fiscal Officer End of semester certifications will be due within 10 days of receipt Certify as-is, or make changes to the percentages plus or minus 10%
POINTS OF NOTE… Keep lab books correctly; they can back you up if any IP claims are filed or effort is questioned, also for any audits. Keep an eye on report dates, end dates, budget data—monitor monthly expenditures Contacts are usually: – Program officers/managers - handle technical matters – Grant specialists - handle contract/financial matters
SCOPE CHANGING? If you find your budget is getting out of line, it’s possible that your scope is too! Where are your costs actually being expensed? It’s OK to find your scope is moving, but YOU MUST notify the Grant Fiscal Officer immediately so we can get agency approval through OGCA Budget changes greater than 10% usually need agency approval Communicate to the Grant Fiscal Officer Right Away
COMPLIANCE Be mindful of security issues - if you intend to apply for sensitive research be aware that it is time- consuming just to play by the rules International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) – check the award to see if it applies Remember, if you take a laptop/smart device out of the country with you – you may be in violation of ITAR Requires Agency Approval: Change of PI or key personnel Change in scope Absence of PI or project director for more than three months, or a reduction in effort of greater than 25% of that promised Second no-cost extensions (may be 1 st, too) Moving money out of Participant Support (some agencies)
WATCH YOUR EXPENSES Review your expenditures monthly-- Watch your line-item budget amounts – we can change those easily to accommodate your research needs – after all, your original budget was a good guess: Work with the Business office to rebudget—as there is a form that needs to be filled out to request. If your percent of effort changes significantly, make sure your Grant Fiscal Officer change where your pay is being drawn from
MONTHLY REPORTS OVERVIEW Inception to Date Report—this shows overview of line-item balances Labor Summary Report—this shows who has charged to the project, verify you know all personnel and verify they have worked on the project – Use in conjunction with the Initial Proposed Labor spreadsheet Transaction Detail Report— this is a report of all non-labor charges that have posted the project, verify all charges are allocable/allowable to the project
QMENU See Cheat Sheet
PROPOSAL COORDINATOR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Agencies may have additional funds that are available after the award of the grant. The proposal development process must be followed. Contact the Proposal Coordinator as soon as possible so they can help you through the proposal process.
BUSINESS OFFICE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Maintains budget – Budget Revisions Other Changes – No Cost Extension – Change of PI – Change of Scope of Work
BUSINESS OFFICE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES If requesting a change to your project: 1.Contact your Grant Fiscal Officer (Nicole Chambers) 2.Work with Grant Fiscal Officer on required forms 3.Grant Fiscal Officer sends request to OGCA 4.OGCA turnaround time- 30 days - Get requests in early! 5.Grant Fiscal Officer follows up - Any questions on status, please see Nicole 6.Once request granted, Grant Fiscal Officer will notify PI
BUSINESS OFFICE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Processes: – Travel Requests – Labor Changes Labor Default Labor Redistribution – Procurement Requests
BUSINESS OFFICE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Effort Certifications – Sent out Fall, Spring and Summer – Exempt Staff, Faculty and Graduate Students – Needed if Restricted fund charged
BUSINESS OFFICE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Tools – Award Acceptance Package Fund/Org + Initial Budget – Monthly Reports – Initial Proposed Labor Spreadsheet
OGCA ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Communication – Sponsors and units – Harmonization Reporting – Progress Reports – No Cost Extensions Invoicing – Monthly, Quarterly, other Compliance – Cost accounting standards – Effort reporting – Subawards – Match certification (OGCA AwaRe form) Training/Education – Uniform Guidance
Project Inception Proposal Development Award Acceptance Award Management Award Close-out Faculty Roles & Responsibilities - REEport Proposal Coordinator Roles & Responsibilities Business Office Roles & Responsibilities OGCA Roles & Responsibilities -Share funding opportunities -Compliance -Approvals -Submission - Notified-Supplemental Award Proposals -Idea -Funding -Collaborators -Scope of Work -Budget & Budget Narrative - Award vs. Assumption - Reading the Award -Activity -Expenditures -Reporting - Clean up - Reports -Technical -Financial -Other -Funding info -Planning tools -Resource mgmt. -Review -Auth. approvals -Submission -Negotiation -Execution -Project Setup -Reporting -Invoicing -Compliance -Review Proposal -Confirm Match - Communicate changes with Faculty -Maintain Budget -Reporting -Ensure compliance -Budget Wrap up
FACULTY ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES CLOSE OUT Remove personnel from the award Get final invoices from subawardees, get them paid so expense is incurred Notify warehouse, copy pool, telephone people that your grant has ended Verify that match, if required, is fully accounted for (incl. letters from 3 rd party) Report any IP to the Intellectual Property office
CLOSEOUT – CONTINUED… Send in your technical reports on time. Cc the business office as well. (Equipment and Patent reports are done by OGCA, after checking with you and OIPC) Don’t stockpile supplies – residual inventory Work with your department to close any open purchase orders Make sure your technical report arrived Keep records for minimum 3 years (give your department a copy!)
BUSINESS OFFICE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Budget Wrap Up – Ensure zero balances for billing Overruns – Step 1: Can charge be moved? – Step 2: If no, overrun will be taken out of PI’s ICR account. – Assist in coordinating deliverables
OGCA ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Technical – Final programmatic Financial – FFRs (SF-425s, etc.) – Banner closeout Other – Property, equipment, patents Subaward closeout
OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS Travel Cap for FY15 on Unrestricted Funds ICR Policy Seed Money for workshops Quotes for requisitions, not needed for items under $10K Time Sheet Changes -TKL (Time Keeping Locations) due to merger/departments
END OF GRANT LIFE CYCLE PART 2 Please reconvene tomorrow, August 28 th, 2014 for Contract Training