CarboSchools+ new educational challenges for Philippe Saugier, CarboSchools coordinator
Good news ! « CarboSchools+ » approved in FP7 call Science in society - European network of regional projects for school partnerships on climate change research Grant agreement under negotiation, max. budget 982 k€ with 100% EU contribution (CSA) 3-year duration starting January 2008
Project partners MPI-BGC (Jena) – Coordinators C. Hillinger / Ph. Saugier TSN (Norwich) – Ph. Smith RuG (Groningen) – H. Meijer / M. Goedhart IFM-GEOMAR (Kiel) J. Dengg LSCE (Paris) L. Rivier / M. Jamous BCCR/UiB (Bergen) A. Volbers / I. Skjelvan INRA EPHYSE/EPOC (Bordeaux) D. Lousteau CNR-IBIMET (Firenze) A. Raschi LRC-PCB (Barcelona) J-A. Morgui (based on a call for expression of interest circulated in January to CarboSchools participants)
Core activities Nine regional CarboSchools projects : 2-10 schools per partner Support to scientists & teachers (« regional operators ») Local partnerships Similar concept but different approaches, age groups, contexts, scientific focus One common activity: European CO 2 school-net Two school years & = an « educational laboratory » to progress science education in Europe. In total ca pupils, 140 teachers, 90 scientists directly involved
CarboSchools concept Partnerships between labs & schools Project-based: scientists and teachers co-operate over several months (real-time experiments, site visits, debates etc.) Citizenship dimension - actions to reduce GHG emissions Final output (article, exhibition…) to share results with parents, friends, community etc.
Support activities Evaluation component: post-doc science communication. Does the project affect students’ images of science & school science ? Co-production & exchange of support materials & methodology for hands-on experiments & project work Networking & dissemination: - CarboSchools sessions in science meetings (CarboEurope/Ocean, ICOS, EPOCA…) - Final conference & summer school in Final regional / national events
Expected impact Our EU project officer: “we are funding you because the ultimate impact we expect is that science is taught differently in schools” questioning and experimenting addressing a complex issue beyond disciplines discovering how researchers work, challenging stereotypes taking action on real challenges for society
How will we try? Final publication « how to integrate authentic science learning of climate change into secondary education » Regional/national events with school authorities, contribution to the educational debate Evaluation results
An open project Individual initiatives outside regional projects are welcome at any moment, just let me know! Call for associated partners, in particular in new EU member states All project deliverables are public
Coming on the agenda CarboSchools session Wednesday 18h-19h30 Kick-off meeting Norwich February/March GIFT workshop EGU 2008 on carbon cycle April Second CarboSchools booklet October : results from CarboEurope/Ocean, examples of school projects, actions to reduce GHG emissions TSP school conference- at CarboEurope final conference?
There’s plenty of work to do… News programme of Italian state tv, september 2007 According to climatologists, as Italy did not respect the Kyoto protocol, IN ITALY THE TEMPERATURE INCREASE IS GOING TO BE FOUR TIMES BIGGER THAN IN OTHER, MORE ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY COUNTRIES…
“We want to share our fascination for the planet. We will show that science can be thrilling and even fun, and is really worth studying.” (at least sometimes… !!!) Warm thanks to everyone who believed in the idea ! report at