Results of the Teacher Training – Day 1: “The image of the other”
Group 1 Intentions – what I would like to do Behaviour – what I’m able to do Experience – what I already did Possibilités History: exchange subjects e.g. Spanish Civil War > presentation from the view of the witness History/Geography: exchanging curricula History/Philosophy: Moyen-Age/Renaissance > Erasmus, Humanistes: Europe as an idea Economics/Sociology: questionnaire about values/daily life/culture Philosophy: Notion of Freedom (Tolerance), differences in thinking and behaviour Arts: L’avantgarde: general point of view and focused on capital-cities Arts: exchanging practices (teacher level) European Citizenship as subject on its own Collect information for studying after secondary school Barriéres Time Language
Group 2 History/French/English/Spanish-teachers Renaissance/Humanists Colonialism Civil War Spain: Literature Second World War: Literature Detectives (Polars) French literature: Rousseau/Voltaire ( )/Aufklärung Press-Photos Education systems in Europe Media/TV Future of Europe (Debate on Turkish entry) Problems/advantages of studying abroad: recognition of Diplomas Right and limitations how to get information Public transport: how to move Methods: Questionnaires Video-conferencing/Drama Cinema (recommending films) Enquetes/Opinion-polls Problems: Logistics e.g. addresses Numbers
Group 3 European section Europe: perception in different countries Family/relationships/values Employment/Business/private companies/(non)-profit: differences with other countries Teaching of foreign-languages/ comparing by video Comparing habits/ways of life What is Europe? What do you want? Webcams/ /weblogs Problems Time Syllabus
parler Anglais there are more foreign languages Nouveauté Big! Dynamique Interesting but many questions Creation of the team across the boarders Abstract – practical Interesting Exchange ideas with colleagues Enthusiasm Sharing Interessant, motivation Exchange ideas/teachers/methodologies Stimulant/motiviating Cooperative – positive ont-moeting: to encounter but we don’t have to Diversity of Europeans
Workshop (1) Present the process of developing and implementing – (step by step) - a questionnaire about social values. Groupwise (3-4 persons) 15 minutes Who? What? When? Why? How? Where?
Workshop (2) Results (challenges/opportunities/barrieres): Stafmeeting: -Start a common website -set dates for meetings first year -presentations on school systems Teachers: -Exchanging addresses -Teachers/students exchanges -Video > showing teaching practises/classes: exchange -Who will be my partner in school? How to make teams -Which classes participate in the projects? -Classroom-management -Comparing education systems (letters/questionnaires) -History/English: Colonialism (letters/questionnaires) -Temps pour continué Students: -Common questionnaire on Democracy - exchanges
Final round: what do I take with me Enthusiasm Necessity to speak English Exchange between people Working in groups, language and technical support To start to act with an international team Relevance, enthusiasm and questions To discover your school Europe is a great idea, encourage students to believe in Europa: meeting people Concrete ideas for lessons, before Xmas Innovative approach, brings people together The monkey-story! Necessity working together Be a family, a team