Seog Oh/ Duke University/September, 2003 TRT Workshop/ Peniscola, Spain Duke TRT Progress
Seog Oh/ Duke University/September, 2003 TRT Workshop/ Peniscola, Spain Outline Status of Module production and acceptance testing Other production responsibilities Fuse box Capacitors Work at CERN BSS Barrel TRT assembly
Seog Oh/ Duke University/September, 2003 TRT Workshop/ Peniscola, Spain Module Production Mechanical Construction – ended in May All Type II (M2.01 to M2.37) are completed and gas tight. All Type III (even number Type III (minus M3.32,M3.34)) are completed and gas tight. Stringing Type II M2.37 is in progress (last module) Type III 5 Modules were sent to Hampton for stringing M3.36 is in progress (last module)
Seog Oh/ Duke University/September, 2003 TRT Workshop/ Peniscola, Spain Stringing stations
Seog Oh/ Duke University/September, 2003 TRT Workshop/ Peniscola, Spain Wire-joint production We have enough for the production/rework in US. We are producing for rework at 154 and spares: ~5000 is planned. ~100,000 has been produced….
Seog Oh/ Duke University/September, 2003 TRT Workshop/ Peniscola, Spain Acceptance /Gain map Acceptance work -> pass the specification HV/Tension /Leak Rate/Dimensional Check/Signal testing 8 Type II, and 6 Type III were sent to Hampton after acceptance testing for gain map. Type II : Three modules are left to process Type III : Two modules are left to process Duke Gain Mapping Has mapped ~20 modules <1% of dead straws : cannot be fixed –Bent straws, Stringing problem Eight type II and three type III modules to go Will process and ship all modules at Duke by November
Seog Oh/ Duke University/September, 2003 TRT Workshop/ Peniscola, Spain Fuses Boxes The design is completed and entire production quantity is being machined (<- slight delay after pre-production run due to tolerance problem) To receive the first batch of fuses (~1800) No good estimation for the assembly time yet. Should we test fuses through random sampling? Acceptance specification? Not in critical path
Seog Oh/ Duke University/September, 2003 TRT Workshop/ Peniscola, Spain HV capacitor assembly Decision was made to go with NPO/850pf /2000 volts. We are in production assembled ~ 7000 capacitors out of ~19,000. ~200 were used in the beam test Final rad hardness test was done with production capacitors HV soaking for two months at 2750 volts– 50 capacitors –current draw : nA Some were sent for rad testing –Neutron radiation test (5x10 14 n/cm 2 ) –Co 60 radiation test (20 MRad) Under 2750 volts after the test - no problems so far After assembly Long term HV soaking test (10 days at 2750 volts). A fixture to test 2000 capacitors at once is being tested Coating Tested spraying technique (with paint spray gun) and looked promising Spray ~100 at one time Minimum thickness of ~30 microns Not in critical path
Seog Oh/ Duke University/September, 2003 TRT Workshop/ Peniscola, Spain Capacitor fixtures
Seog Oh/ Duke University/September, 2003 TRT Workshop/ Peniscola, Spain BSS assembly One of Jack & Doug’s main tasks Responsible for RF shielding – technique has developed Dimensional measurement and analysis of endframes and cylinders Actual assembly with CERN personnel Get it ready as soon as endframes and cylinder are ready
Seog Oh/ Duke University/September, 2003 TRT Workshop/ Peniscola, Spain Barrel TRT assembly Duke will be ready to make a ‘substantial’ contribution All our production responsibilities will be over by early 04 People: Doug, Jack, one tech, Chiho, Bill, Seog
Seog Oh/ Duke University/September, 2003 TRT Workshop/ Peniscola, Spain Summary Our module production/testing will be over including the gain mapping by November, 03 Capacitor and fuse box assembly/testing will be finished by early 04 We should be ready for the barrel TRT assembly, and are looking forward it.