Security Marking: Public UCAS Teacher Training A single admissions process for postgraduate teacher education and training
Security Marking: Public UCAS UCAS’ vision is to be at the heart of connecting people to higher education We have fifty years of experience in higher education admissions – began with 44 providers who saw the benefits of a shared admissions service As the education sector has grown so have UCAS partners We now have 340 members across a wide range of providers We are a member-led and customer-focused organisation More than half a million people use our services each year In addition to admissions we undertake: - research, consultancy and advisory work - continuous professional development for specific subjects or institutions 2
Security Marking: Public A comprehensive admissions service We manage all UK undergraduate admissions but also admissions: to performing arts conservatoires - CUKAS to postgraduate study – UKPASS for international applicants postgraduate teacher training – GTTR We aim to help applicants make informed choices, guiding them, their parents and advisers through the application process 3
Security Marking: Public Benefits of UCAS Access to specialist support and training A verification service to identify fraud The opportunity to make all training programmes visible and accessible to all applicants The facility to market courses through UCAS events, publications and search tools Attendance at provider events Access to data, analysis and statistics 4
Security Marking: Public Graduate Teacher Training Registry Manages applications for post-graduate teacher training at: - most universities, colleges of HE and School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITTs) in England - most universities and colleges of Higher Education in Wales - almost all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Scotland Processes over 50,000 applications each year Sees 25,000 trainee teachers placed each year Has over twenty years experience of managing postgraduate Teacher Training admissions The right student, on the right course, at the right institution 5
Security Marking: Public Benefits of GTTR Applicants are supported by: Online search tool - lets them know what courses are available and if there are vacancies Online application service Track – allows them to follow the progress of their application and maintain their information A dedicated website Providers are supported by: A standard online application supported by references Continuous download of applications and updates Official communication of decision to applicants Peer support in a network of training providers 6
Security Marking: Public UCAS Teacher Training A new, improved admissions process Administered by UCAS Building on the strengths of GTTR To manage admissions for: - School Direct - School Direct (salaried) - HEI and SCITT-based courses To open on 1 November 2013 for 2014 entry A flexible system that will respond to members’ and applicants’ needs 7
Security Marking: Public Purpose To provide a single, efficient system for admissions to post-graduate teacher training across the countries of the UK, which will: eliminate the need for applicants to make multiple applications, using multiple systems enable applicants to find information on all the main routes into teaching in the same place enable applicants to make initial choices across all three routes at the same time if they want reduce the time delay resulting from sequential applications by allowing some applications to be considered in parallel Fairness, transparency and efficiency 8
Security Marking: Public Management benefits for providers Gives equal status to all routes: there is no differentiation between HEI and School Direct providers as members of UCAS Teacher Training Providers have the support of a centralised structure which is easy to understand and administer Manages the flow of applications Allows for comprehensive and accurate data collection on applications and applicants (important as School Direct increases in scale) Provides sound and up-to-date market intelligence Supports providers in the challenge of managing tightly regulated numbers Is cost-effective 9
Security Marking: Public Recruitment benefits for providers Gives equal status to all routes: there is no bias in selection criteria for applicants A single source of better information and guidance for applicants: will lead to better targeted and more informed applications Providers will have access to more applicants in the first instance so should be able to fill their places more quickly Some providers will have access to a larger pool of well qualified applicants and be able to fill their places more effectively It will create transparency so that applicants can’t hold more than one place It will provide greater certainties 10
Security Marking: Public Benefits for applicants Meets the needs of a diverse range of applicants Will give applicants information on all opportunities in the same place Will help applicants understand the differences between the three routes and the eligibility criteria Gives applicants choice: allows them to apply across all the three main routes in any combination They do not have to juggle with multiple systems and processes Do not have to familiarise themselves with and complete multiple applications Will have the certainty of knowing when they will get a decision 11
Security Marking: Public More benefits for applicants Is straight forward and transparent Give applicants the security of applying within a managed, controlled, structure Creates a level playing field that is fair to applicants and that will eliminate inherent unfairness in the present process Gives them a positive experience 12
Security Marking: Public Key features of the system There are two application windows- Apply 1 and Apply 2 Apply 1 opens on 1 st November: Apply 2 opens on 1 st January (providers decide when to open their programmes) In Apply 1 applicants make up to three choices which are considered by providers in parallel In Apply 2 applicants make one choice at a time to be considered by providers sequentially Providers have 40 working days from receipt of applications to make a decision After a final decision applicants have 10 working days to respond to the offer(s) made Applicants can hold only one offer 13
Security Marking: Public A working relationship School Direct partnerships work with an accredited provider – an HEI or SCITT The training places will be assigned to the Lead School who is responsible for ensuring programme information is uploaded Applications will be visible to the lead school and the accrediting provider Both the lead school and accrediting provider will have access to applications Lead schools and accrediting providers will need to agree how they are going to sift applications, interview and make decisions Successful applicants must be acceptable to both the lead school and accrediting provider The agreed decision will be recorded as single online action. Partnerships will need to agree who does this 14
Security Marking: Public A unique relationship It is up to School Direct Lead Schools to agree with their accrediting partner how they are going to work together HEIs and SCITTs have a wealth of experience and expertise in managing a centralised admissions process 15
Security Marking: Public A unique opportunity Welcome School Direct Questions? 16
Security Marking: Public Discussion How can you see the benefits of the new single admissions system being realised in your School Direct partnership? Are there any other benefits that you can see or would like to see? What changes are you going to have to make to your processes to gain value from the new system? What working processes have you agreed with your accrediting provider? What keeps you awake at night? 17
Security Marking: Public Feedback Each group is asked to feed back the following: The single most important benefit The greatest concern The most significant thing to consider when agreeing partnership working with the accrediting provider 18