Stephen Baker Programme Leader Teachers’ Programme Teacher Training Agency tel:
TTA’s new remit teachers’ CPD wider school workforce Children’s agenda
Changing numbers of teachers and ‘others’
New Remit for wider school workforce Build a stronger evidence base to prioritise and plan Deliver some parts of the existing plan and co- ordinate the efforts of partners in their delivery Co-ordinate access to good advice about training and development Ensure simple frameworks and non-bureaucratic pathways
Issues emerging to date The need: for greater coherence of standards, qualifications, development pathways and career pathways; for a framework to support schools’ use of occupational competences; to embed development in day-to-day practice; and a growing focus on HR practices in schools across the whole school staff
Next Steps Interim sector development plan 2005/06 Sector development plan 2006/09 (published December 05)
New Remit in CPD improving the coherence of occupational and professional standards for classroom practitioners; providing clear high quality guidance to schools on CPD and human resources and giving leadership to local authorities in these areas; monitoring the quality and supply of CPD in regions and subjects, working with the DfES and other partners to shape the national CPD agenda and priorities; and co-ordinating specific CPD programmes.
CPD School Improvement Performance Management
The Postgraduate Professional Development (PPD) Programme
Award-Bearing INSET long-term, in-depth study high-level, specialist tutorial support whole school change access to up-to-date research
Case Study Teacher profile previously primary school teacher for seven years PE co-ordinator in special school for pupils aged 3-19 with severe and complex learning difficulties works part-time in local primary school to promote inclusion of younger pupils PG Cert on developing inclusive curriculum for pupils with multiple learning difficulties
Case Study PG Cert on developing inclusive curriculum for pupils with multiple learning difficulties Benefits for teacher: increased professional knowledge and expertise increased confidence to advise colleagues able to work collaboratively with psychologists, speech therapists, physiotherapists and occupational therapists
Case Study PG Cert on developing inclusive curriculum for pupils with multiple learning difficulties Benefits for school: whole school change in modes of assessing and monitoring progress of pupils with multiple learning difficulties induction programme tailored to needs of pupils and their parents development of positive staff attitudes
Postgraduate Professional Development (PPD) Programme Collaborative provision Provision shaped by the needs of schools and teachers Provision that addresses barriers to participation
Collaborative Provision Possibly build on existing relationships Draw on the expertise of a range of stakeholder groups to identify local or regional priorities for professional learning and development Establish a high degree of responsiveness to evolving participant and stakeholder needs
Provision shaped by the needs of schools and teachers Programmes tailored to particular schools or groups of schools for example, addressing School Improvement Plans Responsiveness to teachers’ changing circumstances Aiming to help embed improved practice in schools
Provision that addresses barriers to participation Local or school-based delivery Flexible forms of assessment Elements of distance-learning
Timetable Mid-October 2004 – Deadline for applications End February 2005 – Allocations announced September 2005 – Funded programmes begin