L. Greiner1PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR PXL System Hardware Architecture
L. Greiner2PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Talk Outline Revisit Requirements. Overall Architecture. Design Choices. Summary.
L. Greiner3PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR PXL System Requirements Interface to the sensors for readout and control. Triggered detector system fitting into existing STAR infrastructure (Trigger, DAQ, etc.) Deliver full frame events to STAR DAQ for event building at approximately the same rate as the TPC (1 kHz for DAQ1000). Have live time characteristics such that the Pixel detector is live whenever the TPC is live. (PXL adds ≤ 5% additional dead time) Reduce the total data rate of the detector to a manageable level (< TPC rate of ~1MB / event). Reliable, cost effective, etc. Provide additional functionality for sensor testing including production probe testing.
L. Greiner4PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Pixel Detector Characteristics Two concentric layers at 2.5 & 8 cm radii 10 sensors/ladder, 4 ladders/module (arm), 10 modules/detector. MAPS Pixel technology Sensor spatial resolution < 10 μm Coverage 2π in φ and |η|<1 Over 400 M pixels on ~0.16 m 2 of Silicon 0.37 % radiation length/layer MCS limited resolution Thinned silicon sensors (50 μm thickness) Air cooled Sensor power dissipation ~170 mW/cm 2 Quick extraction and detector replacement Mechanical stability and insertion reproducibility within a 20 μm window Integration time <200 μs (L=8×10 27 ) Radiation environment at the level of up to 20k – 90k rad/year and /cm 2 N eq /year
L. Greiner5PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR System Constraints We need FPGA processing to do zero suppression (Phase-2) and event building. This necessitates moving the processing out of the high radiation area. (SEU) The constraint of locating the event fast pre-processing hardware ~7m from the sensors (in a lower radiation area) requires a driver/mass termination board located between the sensors and the processing hardware. This is required for mechanical and signal integrity reasons. This provides additional benefit that the main part of the electronics is in an area that is serviceable during a cave access. This leads to a 3 main component architecture.
L. Greiner6PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR PXL Hardware Architecture RDO motherboard Mass Termination Board Ladder
L. Greiner7PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR PXL Hardware Architecture
L. Greiner8PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR PXL Hardware Architecture
L. Greiner9PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR PXL Hardware Architecture
L. Greiner10PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Functional Data Path – One Ladder buffer JTAG, CLK, CTL, markers buffer LU protected power Digital hit data 10 sensors After power-on and configuration, the sensors are run continuously. Triggering is handled in the next stage of the RDO. 1 Ladder Develop readout electronics (WBS )
L. Greiner11PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Functional Data Path – Phase-1 Each received trigger enables an event buffer for one frame. The system is dead-time free up to the hardware buffering limit. Highly Parallel FPGA based RDO system 40 sensor outputs/ladder 1 sector / RDO board 160 independent sensor data chains
L. Greiner12PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Functional Data Path – PXL Sensor 20 sensor outputs/ladder 1 sector / RDO board Highly Parallel FPGA based RDO system Same hardware with reconfigured firmware
L. Greiner13PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR RDO System Design – Physical Layout 1-2 m Low mass twisted pair 6 m - twisted pair Sensors / Ladders / Sectors (interaction point) LU Protected Regulators, Mass cable termination RDO Boards DAQ PCs (Low Rad Area) DAQ Room Power Supplies Platform 30 m 100 m - Fiber optic 30 m Control PCs 30 m
L. Greiner14PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR PXL RDO Basic Unit 2m 6m RDO PC 100m 4 ladders per sector 1 Mass Termination Board (MTB) per sector 1 sector per RDO board 10 RDO boards in the PXL system Develop readout electronics (WBS )
L. Greiner15PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Ladder Constraints 10 sensors to give required eta coverage Radiation length budget dedicated to cable/sensor assembly (0.17%) in low mass region. –Sensors thinned to 50 µm (X/X 0 ~0.053%) –Al conductor 2 sided cable (X/X 0 ~0.08%) Mechanical stiffener between cable and sector tube. Buffering for all signals to/from ladder. Fine twisted pair wire interface to ladders.
L. Greiner16PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Ladder Design The ladder consists of three main elements 10 x sensors adhesive Kapton flex cable adhesive Carbon fiber stiffener plate Thinning sensors to 50 µm is a standard commercial process. The adhesive is a 50 µm acrylic film adhesive. The carbon fiber stiffener plate is a basket weave 90º prepreg. The flex cable is the component that requires a significant development effort.
L. Greiner17PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Flex Cable Development There are 4 stages to the development process Stage1 – Infrastructure Testing Board - evaluate the general design of running 10 sensors on a ladder and find and test the working envelope of bypass capacitance and power supply and ground connection Stage 2 – FR-4 ladder cable prototype with Cu - Taking the knowledge gained in the Infrastructure Test Phase, we now attempt to fit the readout cable traces into the required size of the ladder readout cable. Stage 3 – Kapton ladder cable prototype with Cu – Translate above design to kapton flex. Stage 4 – Kapton ladder cable with Al – production prototype for the final ladder cable.
L. Greiner18PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Flex Cable Development Side view (exaggerated vertical scale) Top View 2 layer Al conductor cable in low mass region 0.004” (100 µm) traces and 0.004” (100 µm) spaces 70% fill factor Conductor thickness in low mass region is 21 µm (Cu) or 32 µm (Al) Minimum required conductor trace width 1.325” (33.65 mm) of mm available. Bond wire connection between Al and Cu cable sections. Low mass region calculated X 0 for Al conductor = % Low mass region calculated X 0 for Cu conductor = % Preliminary Design: Hybrid Copper / Aluminum conductor flex cable
L. Greiner19PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR MTB Design Services 1 sector (4 ladders) Buffers for all signals to and from ladders ADC for temperature measurement of sensors LU protected power daughter-card for each ladder PLL to regenerate 50% duty cycle clock
L. Greiner20PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR RDO motherboard design constraints 320 input data pins for Phase-1/2 sensor data / sector. 160 input data pins for Final sensor data / sector. JTAG, sensor CLK, etc. generation. IODELAY function (Xilinx Virtex). ALICE DDL interface to STAR DAQ. STAR trigger interface. USB interface Sensor testing capabilities (one development platform) –8 ch ADC (50 MHz) –Fast SRAM for full frame event capture –Misc logic inputs for control / triggering (beam tests)
L. Greiner21PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR RDO motherboard design The RDO board is a 2 board design Virtex-5 Daughtercard JTAG interface RDO MB int. Virtex-5 Daughtercard JTAG interface RDO MB int. RDO Motherboard Sensor data interface Sensor control interface Virtex-5 interface STAR Trigger interface QuickUSB interface PMC interface (DDL) 8 ch 50 MHz 12b ADC 144Mb SRAM Auxiliary logic interface RDO Motherboard Sensor data interface Sensor control interface Virtex-5 interface STAR Trigger interface QuickUSB interface PMC interface (DDL) 8 ch 50 MHz 12b ADC 144Mb SRAM Auxiliary logic interface
L. Greiner22PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR RDO motherboard design The RDO board is a 2 board design Xilinx AFX-FF Xilinx XC5VLX330 10,638 Kb block RAM 1200 i/o Custom Motherboard 6 layer Standard PCB “5 on 5” No BGA
L. Greiner23PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR RDO motherboard design comments The complete RDO system for PXL consists of 10 RDO motherboard assemblies. Investment in a ≥ 16 layer custom RDO motherboard with BGA Xilinx V-5 is not warranted for this quantity. Additional testing functionality need not be loaded for production RDO boards. This design allows for a single development platform through the full project life cycle.
L. Greiner24PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Parts Specifications MAPS sensor FIN1108 Fairchild LVDS 8 Port Repeater SN74LVC126A TI Quad Bus buffer gate SN65LVDS2 TI Single LVDS receiver FIN1108 Fairchild LVDS 8 Port Repeater SN65LVDT14 TI Interconnect Extender Chipset w/ LVDS SN65LVDT41 TI Interconnect Extender Chipset w/ LVDS AD7997 Analog Devices 8-ch, 10-bit I 2 C ADC CY7B9950 Cypress 200MHz PLL Clock Buffer MIC37152 MICREL 1.5A LDO Voltage Regulator AD626 Analog Devices single supply diff. amplifier AD8611 Analog Devices single supply comparator polyfuses Ladder components MTB components High radiation area Moderate radiation area
L. Greiner25PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Simple Data Rates ItemNumber Bits/address20 Integration time200 µs Luminosity8 × Hits / frame on Inner sensors (r=2.5 cm) 246 Hits / frame on Outer sensors (r=8.0 cm) 24 Final sensors (Inner ladders)100 Final sensors (Outer ladders)300 Event format overheadTBD Average Pixels / Cluster2.5 Average Trigger rate1 kHz ItemNumber Bits/address20 Integration time640 µs Luminosity3 × Hits / frame on Inner sensors (r=2.5 cm) 295 Hits / frame on Outer sensors (r=8.0 cm) 29 Phase-1 sensors (Inner ladders)100 Phase-1 sensors (Outer ladders)300 Event format overheadTBD Average Pixels / Cluster2.5 Average Trigger rate1 kHz Phase-1/2Final (Ultimate) Raw data rate from sensors = 32 GB/sec Data rate to storage = 237 MB/sec Data rate to storage = 199 MB/sec (Scaled to full size detector) (199 kB/event) Note: Data rates for hit data only for Au-Au central collisions including peripheral collision electrons. Sensor noise is not included. ItemNumber Bits/address20 Integration time640 µs Luminosity3 × Hits / frame on Inner sensors (r=2.5 cm)295 Hits / frame on Outer sensors (r=8.0 cm)29 Phase-1 sensors (Inner ladders)100 Phase-1 sensors (Outer ladders)300 Event format overheadTBD Average Pixels / Cluster2.5 Average Trigger rate1 kHz ItemNumber Bits/address20 Integration time200 µs Luminosity8 × Hits / frame on Inner sensors (r=2.5 cm)246 Hits / frame on Outer sensors (r=8.0 cm)24 Final sensors (Inner ladders)100 Final sensors (Outer ladders)300 Event format overheadTBD Average Pixels / Cluster2.5 Average Trigger rate1 kHz
L. Greiner26PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Summary We have a well developed system architecture that is driven by the tracking, mechanical and testing constraints. Highly parallel system based on ladder and sector units. FPGA based data receiver and processing. Leverages commercial Xilinx development boards mated to a custom motherboard. Single architectural unit to provide for all required development and testing.
L. Greiner27PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Backup
L. Greiner28PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR PXL Detector Design Ladder with 10 MAPS sensors (~ 2×2 cm each) Mechanical support with kinematic mounts Cabling and cooling infrastructure Detector extraction at one end of the cone New beryllium beam pipe (800 µm thick, r = 2.5 cm) 2 layers 10 modules 4 ladders/module
L. Greiner29PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Sensor Generation and RDO Attributes Mimostar–2 30 µm pixel, 128 x 128 array 1.7 ms integration time 1 analog output Mimostar–3 30 µm pixel, 320 x 640 array 2.0 ms integration time 2 analog outputs Phase–1 30 µm pixel, 640 x 640 array 640 µs integration time, CDS 4 binary digital outputs PXL Sensor (Ultimate) 18.4 µm pixel, 1024 x 1088 array ≤ 200 µs integration time, CDS, zero suppression 2 digital outputs (addresses) SensorSensor RDO 50 MHz readout clock JTAG interface, control infrastructure ADCs, FPGA CDS & cluster finding zero suppression ≤ 4 sensor simultaneous readout 160 MHz readout clock JTAG interface, control infrastructure zero suppression 40 sensor simultaneous readout 160 MHz readout clock JTAG interface, control infrastructure 400 sensor simultaneous readout (full system) DONE PROTOTYPED Gen
L. Greiner30PXL Sensor and RDO review – 06/23/2010 STAR Sensor / RDO Services (preliminary) 240 W 180W300W 1350W (AC) 1100W (AC) Ladders MTB Platform (racks) RDO Crate DAQ Room 4800 × 42 AWG (TP) 160 × 24 AWG (TP) 40 × 0.42” dia. (50 TP cable) 20 × 16 AWG 10 × fiber optic cable pair 10 × USB 2 × TCD (10 TP) 28 × 12 AWG 2m 6m ~100m PP ~30m