Kalaheo High School Home of the Mustangs!
Strive High Data 87.4% Graduation Rate 78% Reading Proficiency (above state median) 45% Math Proficiency (below state median) 50% Science Proficiency (above state median)
SMARTE Goal--Focus on writing across curriculum All students will be proficient or show growth as an effective writer as evident by our common grade-level rubrics. Measured by Language Arts and Social Studies synthesis essay. Supported by all content areas’ common writing projects.
College/Career Readiness Goal All students will pass their summative assessments in their courses.
Powerful Instructional Practice (PIP) Higher Order Questioning— Evaluative and Analytical PIP was chosen after teachers struggled with the “questioning” component in their teacher evaluations.
Kalaheo’s Academic Plan The Academic Plan outlines the goals and initiatives Kalaheo is committed to.
Goal 1, Strategy 1: Common Core Standards Continue to train staff on Literacy strategies and Instructional strategies using teacher examples. Revisit Curriculum (pacing guides) to align with Common Core. Continue to work on K-12 writing initiative
Goal 1, Strategy 2: Comprehensive Student Support Provide training for teachers that will help them reach every student’s learning needs. Provide training on strategies for teaching English Language Learners Math Tutoring and Catch Up Math Achieve 3000, Online Reading Comprehension program
Goal I, Strategy 3: Formative Instruction/Data Team Schedule regular common course data team meetings to analyze common formative and summative assessments to improve teaching.
Goal 1: Student Success Additional Strategies Continue to support Career Technical Education pathways currently in place Support online learning opportunities for students Develop a system of support for Personal Transition Plan (PTP-Graduation Requirement)
Goal 2 Strategy 5: Induction and Mentoring Formalize new teacher training at Kalaheo including training at the opening of school and mid-year Plan peer coaching within departments
Goal 2, Additional Strategy Develop a customized Professional Development (PD) plan for teachers Utilize data, including tripod survey, to determine specific PD for specific teachers. Plan training for “Google Apps for Education”