AS Diagnostic Collaboration Mark Boland
REBAS – Relativistic Electron Beams at the Australian Synchrotron 18 Mar 20152AS diagnostic collaboration 3 GeV, 1 Hz, ~3 nC 3 GeV, 1 Hz, ~5 nC
Test Beam Facility Motivation 1.Improve operation of the Australian Synchrotron through accelerator diagnostic R&D. 2.Contribute to international accelerator R&D for existing collaborations: CLIC (CERN), ATF2 (KEK), SPEAR3 (SLAC), PSI. 3.Pilot studies for particle and x-ray detector test beam facility. 18 Mar 20153AS diagnostic collaboration
Test Beam Options 100 MeV Extract 100 MeV at the end of the linac. Bunch structure 1-75 bunches, 2 ns spacing plus ns microbunches. Repetition rate 1 Hz. Bunch charge nC single bunch, nC multi bunch. 18 Mar 20154AS diagnostic collaboration
Test Beam Options 3 GeV Extract 3 GeV at the start of the booster transport line. Bunch structure 1-75 bunches, 2 ns spacing. Repetition rate 1 Hz. Bunch charge nC single bunch, nC multi bunch. Vacuum chamber magnets Power supply Control and DAQ Bench 18 Mar 20155AS diagnostic collaboration
BTS in Booster Tunnel Photos 18 Mar 20156AS diagnostic collaboration
BTS in Booster Tunnel Drawings 18 Mar 20157AS diagnostic collaboration
Present layout 18 Mar 20158AS diagnostic collaboration
Straight through extraction 18 Mar 20159AS diagnostic collaboration
Valves and FCT 18 Mar AS diagnostic collaboration
Pulsed Multipole extraction 18 Mar AS diagnostic collaboration
AXXS – Australian X-band X-Ray Source “SAC recognises the need to begin planning for the first major upgrade of the storage ring, which typically happens after about years of operation. This should be viewed as a high priority research project for the team.” – SAC Report Mar 2015AS diagnostic collaboration12
Lightsouce Strategy 18 Mar 2015AS diagnostic collaboration13 Estimated Beamline Capacity at AS: In use: 9 (6 ID, 3 BM1, 0 BM2) Capacity: ID 12 total, 50% usage (BM1 11, 27% usage) Build up the existing storage ring beamlines to full capacity (presently ~50%). Upgrade the storage ring with an MBA lattice with < 1 nm rad, in the existing tunnel with the same source points. Build a 3 GeV x-band linac to inject a low emittance beam into the storage ring. Use a second x-band linac to generate a 6 GeV beam for an XFEL. Capitalise on local HEP support for a linear collider. Leverage international collaboration through the CLIC collaboration.
Potential Layout 18 Mar 2015AS diagnostic collaboration14
Advanced Accelerator R&D at Melbourne Uni Propose new X-band RF structure lab in the old 35 MeV betatron lab Initial investment $100,000 for low power, shielding in place Further $2M for high power Future RF photocathode development 18 Mar 2015AS diagnostic collaboration15 Steel/Pb Vault door 5 T crane
Motivation for new lab spread knowledge and ownership of accelerator development back into the universities attract students physically and psychologically remove R&D from operations, unlimited vault access increase the accelerators available for testing 18 Mar 2015AS diagnostic collaboration16
Other interests CCD cameras (x-ray rad hard) BPM electronics for booster synchrotron, 500 MHz Visible optical diagnostics (Open Hardware designs?) Vertical undulator emittance measurement, x-ray slits and CCD High-end “Red Pitaya” 1 GHz, 2 Gsa, 4 channel, instrument applications, EPICS and other controls integration 18 Mar 2015AS diagnostic collaboration17