Tommy Gaffney James Haber Aaron Nunez
Background European scientists came to America They asked Roosevelt for money to fund nuclear research Told him the Germans were also making atomic weapons Wanted to beat them in the race
Nuclear Fission Neutron fired at radioactive atom Atom splits and releases large amounts of energy and more neutrons
Chain Reaction Create self-sustaining reaction Try to stop the reactor before it explodes
Nuclear Reactor Graphite blocks and cadmium rods surrounding uranium nuggets At 9:30, November 8, 1942 self- sustaining chain reaction produced
Who was involed? Before WWI James Franck and Gustav Hertz did experiments on fission Otto Hahn and Lise Meitner discovered nuclear isomers and more about uranium In 1942 the Manhattan Engineer Project was set up led by Leslie Groves
American Scientists Robert Oppenheimer started working on the development of the atomic bomb He was invited to lead the research fast neutron calculations Groves then appointed Robert as the projects scientific director Ernest Lawrence helped the investigations of the weapon using nuclear fission His Rad Lab became famous for the Manhattan project
European Scientists Enrico Fermi was best know for building the first Nuclear Reactor Leo Szilard created the Manhattan Project He talked to Albert Einstein who wrote the letter to the president warning him about the Nazi Atomic Bomb
Testing of Atomic bomb First test July 16,1945 In a desert in New Mexico Testing was successful
Use of the Atomic bomb After the tests used on Japan The little boy was dropped on Hiroshima The Fat man was dropped on Nagasaki