Welcome to Parent Night! Presented by: Tipp City Exempted Village Schools Gifted services department
Tonight’s Agenda: 1. Definition of “Gifted” 2. Characteristics of Gifted Students 3. Identification Procedures 4. Services 5. Written Education Plan 6. Teacher Training 7. Resources 8. Q&A
What does “Gifted” Mean? According to the state of Ohio – Gifted means students who perform or show potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compare to others of their age, experience, and environment.
Identification Superior Cognitive Ability Specific Academic Ability Assessment ToolCognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Iowa Test of Basic Skills Identification Score128 or higher95 th Percentile or above Screening Score (means further testing is needed) rd to 94 th percentile When?Spring of 2 nd Grade Fall of 5 th Grade Students can be referred for individual testing at any time by teachers and/or parents
Services Elementary: 3 rd Grade – 1.Superior Cognitive Cluster 2.Enrichment pull-out with Mrs. Lammers (Gifted Intervention Specialist) 4 th and 5 th Grade – 1.Superior Cognitive Cluster 2.Math and Language Arts with Mrs. Lammers Middle School (6,7,8) – Accelerated Sequence for Math and Language Arts Ex: Math 6 th Pre Algebra 7 th Algebra 8 th Geometry
Services High School – “Accelerated” Courses Honors Courses Dual Enrollment PSEO AP Courses
Written Education Plan (WEP) All Gifted Students who receive service, have a Written Education Plan (WEP) What is on a WEP? Demographic Information (Name, Address, Grade, Birthdate, etc…) Area of Identification Student Bio* (Based on surveys that were sent home) Services that the student is receiving (High School WEPs also include previous services and year-end report) Goals for the service Methods of Evaluation Differentiation strategies Dates for Reporting Progress Review
Teacher Training All new staff undergo JAVITS training at the beginning of each year Staff with endorsement in Gifted Education Support from Gifted Intervention Specialist (3-5) Teachers receive monthly newsletter with tips and strategies Dual Enrollment and AP staff undergo specific training Teachers attend workshops to continually increase expertise
Tipp City Gifted Services Web Page: Ohio Association for Gifted Children National Association for Gifted Children Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted Hoagies’ Gifted Education Page Resources
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