Inverse Texture Synthesis Li-Yi Wei 1 Jianwei Han 2 Kun Zhou 1,2 Hujun Bao 2 Baining Guo 1 Harry Shum 1 1 Microsoft 2 Zhejiang University
Old slide from SIGGRAPH 2000 input (small) output (large) texture synthesis
New SIGGRAPH 2008 paper (just by flipping the old slide) input (large) output (small) inverse texture synthesis
Why? Textures are getting large Recent advances: large scale, time varying data set Expensive to store, transmit, compute Yale University Columbia UniversityMSR Asia
Overview input (large) inverse texture synthesis output (small) texturing (slow) texturing (fast) similar
How to find new idea (from old PPT talk slides) flip left-right (done here) filtering tone mapping rotation crossover flip up-down shearing triangulation deformation compression sampling anti-aliasing