Indonesian Danone Institute Foundation
What is Danone Institute Non-profit foundation, independent from Danone Business Unit No commercial objectives Act freely and independently Function on the basis of guidelines which guarantee a clear and democratic organization Danone Institute publications contain no commercial information
What is Danone Institute 17 Danone Institutes worldwide 1 st Danone Institute France 1991 International network involves –250 well-known scientific experts from various disciplines, –sponsored 740 research projects amounting to 11.6 million EUR (approx million USD) –awarded 6 DANONE International scientific prize (i.e. David Barker for “foetal programming” hypothesis in 2005 & Jeffrey Friedman for research on endocrine function of leptin in 2007) –organized 175 events & scientific meetings which have reached 37,000 professionals –funded 75 publications, 6 newsletters, and –organized 87 programs for the general public (nutrition education & promotion)
What is Danone Institute Indonesia DII was incorporated in May 4, 2007 Scientific members senior scientists from universities & government institution Chairman: Prof. Soekirman, Ph.D. Chairman of KFI (Indonesia Coalition for Fortification) Professor of Nutrition (Em.), Fac. Human Ecology, IPB Professor of Nutrition,Fac. of Medicine, UKI Visiting Professor, Fac. of Medicine, UGM Vice-chairman: Endang L. Achadi, Dr.PH. Head of Public Health Nutrition Dept., Faculty of Public Health, UI Leader, Immpact Country Technical Partner
DII Mission Promote and sharing knowledge in the areas of diet, nutrition and health focusing to address current and prevent future major local nutrition and health issues; Promote scientific nutrition and health research findings and fieldworks; Strengthen linkage between scientist, and nutrition, health & education professionals; Disseminate information on nutrition and diet related subjects.
DII Programs Competitive research Grant for Doctorate students through educational institutions Publication grant for publishing Indonesian research papers in international journals Competitive Research Grant for established Research Institutions (educational institutions – universities, colleges, – reputable NGOs, and other research-related institutions)
DII Themes "CONTRIBUTING TO THE BETTERMENT OF THE FUTURE GENERATION“ Prioritizing on the following group: Pregnant & lactating women Children under the age of 2 years Female adolescence (age /premarital age) Women of reproductive age
Scope of research NUTRIGENOMIC Nutrition related genetic DIETETIC & CLINICAL NUTRITION Nutritional related degenerative diseases Nutritional related communicable diseases COMMUNITY & PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION Nutrition and health promotion Life style / Behavior change Environmental health FOOD SECURITY & POLICY Food security and safetyPoverty Food economicsFood and nutrition policy
Activities 2007 Promotional materials to more than 200 institutions Jul-Aug 13 road show to 11 institutions (9 universities with doctorate program & Poltekkes; Bali, Semarang, Padang, Makassar, Jakarta, Bogor, Medan, Surabaya, Malang) Aug-Sept Education expo at Universitas Indonesia Oct Website developed Nov 122 requests for further information via Aug-Dec
Selection – research grant 2007 Received 54 proposals Passed document screening --> 18 (33%) Invited for proposal presentation 3 (6%) Unibraw, UGM, UI First screening by Scientific members 7 (13%) Screening by expert reviewers 7 Announcement of Grantee 1 (2%) Unibraw - nutrigenomic Total from 21 institutions: (6 Poltekkes, 12 universities, 1 research center). Highest number of proposals: UI (6), UNDIP (5), UNSOED (5) Doctorate 27% Java 71%
Selection - publication grant 2007 Received 8 papers Document screening 2 (25%) Announcement of Grantee none Content review 2 (meet DII mission and objective) UNSOED, UNIBRAW, UI, UNSRI, USU, UNDIP
International seminar 2007 Obesity as a poverty-related emerging nutrition problems in Indonesia Yogyakarta Dec 8, co-organized with School of Health Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University 340 participants (68% students) from 21 cities, 15 provinces; 1/3 from Yogyakarta 13 speakers (2 from abroad) Topics: Global issues & policies on obesity; Public health approach for the prevention of obesity; Clinical approach to overcome obesity 3 best poster awards Award ceremony for research grant
Sub-themes 2009 Improve maternal and child nutrition of the poor, which include: Innovation in the development of nutritionally balance and affordable complementary feeding for children 6-24 months New effective strategies in communication, education and information (KIE) to reinforce the role of breastfeeding, especially exclusive breastfeeding Development of local food products to fulfill nutritional needs of women Research on molecular biology, which are related to the above sub-themes
Deadline for submission 10 RESEARCH GRANTS Submit 4 copies of proposals by Apr 30, 2008 for research Jan - Dec INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL PUBLICATION GRANT Twice a year: Feb 29 & Aug 30, 2008 for 2008 fiscal year