广告牌;布告牌 随意的;偶然的,临时的 衣服;外衣 广告客户 通知;告诉 协会;联系;关联 目标;对象;靶子 基础;根据 技术;技巧 车道;行车线 特征;容貌;特色;特写 良心;道德心 billboard casual garment advertiser inform association target.


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1 、如果 x + 5 > 4 ,那么两边都 可得 x >- 1 2 、在- 3y >- 4 的两边都乘以 7 可得 3 、在不等式 — x≤5 的两边都乘以- 1 可得 4 、将- 7x — 6 < 8 移项可得 。 5 、将 5 + a >- 2 a 移项可得 。 6 、将- 8x < 0.
Revision 1 keep sb informed 2 be conscious of 3 feature largely 4 be worthy of praise 5 turn into 6 rely on 7 in response to 8 it is no use doing 9 fit.
Using language Keeping Advertises Honest. Read the title & the subtitle of the text & find out the structure of it:
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滴答滴答响,铛铛铛铛唱, 会走没有腿,会说没有嘴 哪 时 起? 哪 时 睡? 它都告诉你 ( 打一物 )
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广告牌;布告牌 随意的;偶然的,临时的 衣服;外衣 广告客户 通知;告诉 协会;联系;关联 目标;对象;靶子 基础;根据 技术;技巧 车道;行车线 特征;容貌;特色;特写 良心;道德心 billboard casual garment advertiser inform association target basis technique lane feature conscience

有价值的 公司;法人;社团 预算 费用;代价 广播;播音 依赖;信赖 看的; 视觉的 产生;发生 回答;响应;反应 立体声;立体声器材 谋杀;谋杀案 片;张;被单 worthy corporation budget expense broadcast rely visual generate response stereo murder sheet

流利的;流畅的 邀请 约定;指定;任命 提高;饲养;筹集 拨号 升 成熟的;到期的 样式 ;流行;时尚 道德的;合乎道德的 酒精地;含酒精的 烟草;烟草制品 禁令 禁止 fluent invitation appoint raise dial litre mature fashion ethical alcoholic tobacco ban

促进;提升 邪恶的;不道德的 正派的;得体的;适当的 论理学;道德规范 令人不愉快的;伤害人感情的 小心;谨防 消费者 可信赖的;可靠的 promote immoral decent Ethics ethical adj offending beware consumer trustworthy


how advertising works What is an advertisement? How do advertisers make effective advertisements? how effective are advertisements? identify your target appeal to your target use a suitable medium

Keeping Advertising Honest The law develop ways to control advertising and prevent false or unsuitable advertising Advertising organization Complaints organization The consume

Topic sentence The law: One way to control advertising is to make laws that prevent advertisers doing the wrong thing. Advertising organization: Most advertisers belong to advertising organization that not only … but also … Complaints organization: Many countries have a government organization which examines complaints about ads. The consume: The consumer is responsible for checking the product before buying.

1.Advertisers go to a lot of trouble and expense to make adverts and so they want to make sure they achieve their purpose. 广告制作者在广告上花了不少精力和财力,因此他 们要确保能达到他们的目的。 2. Unfortunately, not all advertisers are good or honest people. 不幸的是,并不是所有的广告商都诚实,正直。

3. Many countries have laws that forbid ads being shown at inappropriate times or in unsuitable places. 4. In some countries advertising alcoholic drinks or tobacco is banned altogether. He's not altogether sure what to do. Altogether there were 18 people in the bus. 他全然不知该怎么做。 在公共汽车上一共有 18 个人。 forbid sb to do / from doing / that sb (should) do ban sb from doing

5. Fort his reason, most advertisers belong to advertising organizations that not only educate and support their members, but also make rules for everyone in the organization to follow. 为此 … 6. When it comes to advertising, consumers need to be educated about techniques used by advertisers so they can judge the claims for themselves and not blindly accept everything that is said in advertisements. 涉及 … 7. a code of ethics offending advertisement Buyer Beware 道德规范 令人不愉快的广告 买者自负

More reading

1.What is the best title for the text? ( Please answer within 10 words.) 2.Please fill in the blank in the second paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence? (Please answer within 10 words.)

There is a disease sweeping the world today that is killing far more people than any other, including AIDS or SARS. That disease is obesity. The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that of the 56.5 million deaths per year around the world, over 50 percent of these are caused by diseases associated with unhealthy diet and lack of exercise and that many of these deaths could be prevented. In the face of these shocking statistics, the WHO announced, in 2004, a plan to fight obesity and invited governments around the world to join the campaign to encourage its citizens to adopt a sensible diet and to take up some form of physical activity. As part of their plan, the WHO asked governments to consider the role of food advertising in encouraging people to eat unhealthy food.

One area of concern for many countries is the advertising of unhealthy food during children’s television programs. In Australia, which has the highest number of food advertisements in children’s television in the world, there are an average of 12 food ads per hour. On the other hand, in Sweden and Austria _______________ during children’s programs, there is only one food ad per hour. There is much debate, however, about whether television advertisements are in any way responsible for childhood obesity. In Sweden, and Quebec in Canada, for example, there has been no great difference in the number of obese children since the government banned food ads in children’s television. However, Holland, where there are no bans on food advertising, has one of the lowest rates of obesity in Europe.

1.What is the best title for the text? Does food adverting have an effect on obesity? 2. Please fill in the blank to complete the sentence? (Please answer within 10 words.) where there are strict laws about advertising

3. Which sentence in the text can be replaced by the following one? The government should pay attention to the role of food advertising in making people eating unhealthy food. As part of their plan, the WHO asked governments to consider the role of food advertising in encouraging people to eat unhealthy food.

4. 5. Translate the underlined sentence in the second paragraph into Chinese. Does food adverting have an effect on obesity? (within 30 words) 很多国家关心的一个方面是儿童电视节目期间一些 不健康食品的广告。

1.There is a disease sweeping the world today that is killing far more people than any other, including AIDS or SARS. 2.The World Health Organization has stated that of the …, over 50 percent of these are caused by diseases associated with unhealthy diet and lack of exercise and that many of these deaths could be prevented. 3.In the face of these shocking statistics, the WHO announced, in 2004, a plan to fight obesity and invited governments around the world to join the campaign to encourage its citizens to adopt a sensible diet and to take up some form of physical activity.

4 an average of 5. On the other hand, in Sweden and Austria where there are strict laws about advertising during children’s programmes, there is only one food ad per hour. 6. There is much debate,.., about whether…are in any way responsible for childhood obesity. 7 have no great difference ; obese ( 肥胖的 ) 8.However, Holland, where there are no bans on food advertising, has one of the lowest rates of obesity in Europe.