Key Functions and Operation of RROs Lagos, 17 September 2013 Madeleine Pow International Rights Manager UK Copyright Licensing Agency
AGENDA 1.Business Flow Chart 2.Licences 3.Revenue Collection and Distribution 4.International
Access to repertoire Material provided for repertoire LICENSING & MONITORING MEMBERSHIP OR AFFILIATION Users (Clients) Copyright Owners RRO Licence fee paymentDistribution of funds RRO flow chart, permission, limits and indemnity
AGENDA 1.Business flow chart 2.Licences 3.Revenue Collection and Distribution 4.International
CLA provides a range of licences tailored to each sector. Current CLA Licences Business Public Administration Law Pharmaceutical Multinational Higher Education Further Education Schools Press Cuttings Document Delivery
All licences include the following rights and repertoire: What can be copied? Printed books, magazines, journals, periodicals, law reports, press cuttings and reference editions can be photocopied or scanned digitally Excluding the following categories: printed music (including the words) maps, charts newspapers workbooks, workcards or assignment sheets any work that includes a notice in which the copyright owner has stipulated that it may not be copied under a CLA Licence Plus any publications listed on the relevant Excluded Works lists on the CLA website How much can be copied? Up to 5% of the work, a single chapter of a book, a single law report, or single article from a periodical, whichever is greater
What can be done with copies? Distribution as photocopies or printouts within a UK organisation * Distribution of scanned copies via within a UK organisation * Storage by individuals for personal use No licence permits making copies which directly or indirectly substitute for the purchase of an original published edition (whether print or digital) or which might be used instead of commissioning work directly from an artist or writer. The licensee must make reasonable endeavours to identify whether it subscribes to a digital version of the work in question and, if so, to use that digital version instead of creating a digital copy by scanning. *Some licences allow limited overseas distribution of copies
AGENDA 1.Business flow chart 2.Licences 3.Revenue Collection and Distribution 4.International
Source of Licence Fees: Financial Year 2012/13 £73.3million
CLA distribute directly to overseas RROs How Revenue is Distributed CLA takes subvention to cover selling, data collection and distribution costs CLA Licence Revenue UK Licensees Rightsholders PLS ALCS DACS Artists Publishers Authors Member Societies Revenue distributed based on survey data collected Societies take subvention to cover distribution costs
AGENDA 1.Business flow chart 2.Licences 3.Revenue Collection and Distribution 4.International
Access to repertoire Material provided for repertoire LICENSING & MONITORING Users (Clients) RRO Licence fee paymentDistribution of funds IFRRO bilaterals flow chart, permission, limits and indemnity RRO
Any questions about CLA? Madeleine Pow International Rights Manager
Appendix The following two slides were not shown as part of the presentation, but are included in the printed pack to show the ownership structure of CLA
CLA is a collective management organisation (CMO) for text and image based works. We are owned by publishers (PLS) and authors (ALCS) and represent visual creators (DACS) via an agency agreement. Established for 30 years, we license copying from books, magazines, journals and digital publications. We offer licences for business, education and public sector providing the right to copy content without the risk of infringing copyright. We protect creativity by enabling creators & publishers to get a fair reward when their work is copied. CLA has generated over £750m for rights holders since 1983.
CLA stakeholders