Making a Difference for Kansas and XXXX County/District: K-State Research and Extension Your name, title
Our Mission Through integrated research, analysis and education, we are dedicated – To safe, sustainable, and competitive food, feed, fiber and fuel systems – To strong and healthful communities, families and youth
Celebrating the Past Century of Service 100 years of service through extension 125 years of research in Kansas
Working throughout Kansas
We’re Your Local Partner
Grand Challenges Facing Kansas
Our Work in Global Food Systems Developing new crop, vegetable, and tree varieties Reducing food waste from poor storage, insects, and processing Improving crop and livestock response to climate Helping families stretch food dollars
Results Provided technical expertise to 142 companies and 86 entrepreneurs through the Kansas Value-Added Foods Lab Developed Everest wheat variety, planted on more Kansas acres than any other Saved Kansas ranchers $1,000 each through new beef cattle feed rations
Making a Difference in XXXX County/District Local work and results highlighted here
Our Work in Water Breeding drought-tolerant crops Developing more efficient irrigation systems Reducing runoff and sedimentation into reservoirs Improving genetics to increase feed efficiency Partnering to develop the state water plan
Results Developed subsurface drip irrigation, using up to 25% less water Created technology to schedule irrigation, identify crops to plant, predict yield, and evaluate fuel costs Taught landowners to reduce runoff and protect drinking water supplies for 60% of Kansans
Making a Difference in XXXX County/District Local work and results highlighted here
Our Work in Health Identifying and teaching about practices to prevent obesity Providing information to better understand health-care options for elderly Kansans Sharing unbiased information about health insurance Teaching about safe-food handling
Results 16,000 Kansans participate in Walk Kansas Helped senior citizens save more than $3 million in prescription drug costs 6,000 Medicare participants save an average of $832 per person through Senior Health Insurance Counseling for Kansas Trained 355 Kansans in ServSafe Food Service Manager and 738 in Food Handler classes
Making a Difference in XXXX County/District Local work and results highlighted here
Our Work in Developing Tomorrow’s Leaders Established a model for working with ethnically diverse families in 4-H Meeting the needs of military youth and their families Training Kansans of all ages to be better leaders
Results Introduced 4-H to 710 youth through multicultural and Special Interest (SPIN) clubs in 12 counties Trained 360 adults from 101 counties through the KARL program since 1993 Initiated 48 Hours of 4-H service project with 3,158 participants completing 130 projects in 58 counties
Making a Difference in XXXX County/District Local work and results highlighted here
Our Work in Community Vitality Bring expertise from three K-State campuses Engage with community groups Help communities maintain services, such as grocery stores that hire locally and generate local sales tax Help Kansans develop better financial management practices
Results 419 collaborative partnerships developed through Kansas PRIDE program, resulting in 56,723 volunteer hours Master Gardeners donated 79,000 hours of service with a value of $1.6 million 104,983 visit per month Developed a Rural Grocery Store Tool Kit
Making a Difference in XXXX County/District Local work and results highlighted here
Ways to Become Involved in XXXX County/District
New Programs Farmers Market Vendor Workshops on food safety – Expanding markets to boost local economy and access for consumers to local food Master Community Facilitator program Mentoring program connecting seniors with younger citizens and growing community leadership roles
New Programs Leading Locally—Working Together for Lasting Solutions – Assisting NW Kansas communities to grow their leadership potential – Funded by the Dane G. Hansen Foundation
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