The Forum is hosted by the Kaliningrad State Technical University. The Forum is supported by the Kaliningrad regional division of the Lawyer Association of Russia, Fund of entrepreneurship and small business, Chamber of Commerce of Kaliningrad, Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. Kaliningrad March 25th-27th, 2015 International Scientific and Practical Forum on WTO Law 1
Topic of the Forum: Improving the efficiency of Russia's participation in the World Trade Organization The following issues will be in the center of discussion in 2015: 1. Participation of Russian regions in the elaboration of joint decisions in relation to economic development 2. Import substitution as the first results and identification of practical points of import substitution. Kaliningrad region as the territory of export production. Distribution routes of manufactured exports by analogy of export territories in Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea. 3. Development of measures to improve the investment climate in Russia 4. The specific application of the WTO agreements and modernization of WTO law in the conditions of global challenges nowadays 5. Energy Security 2
Increase in efficiency of Russia's participation in the WTO involves the ability to remove existing trade barriers for promotion of domestic products on the market of other WTO Member States, taking into account existing WTO trade dispute resolution mechanisms and instruments Topic of the Forum 3
WTO is a whole mechanism created to improve the conditions of international trade It is important to optimize our participation in the World Trade Organization 4
The key mission of the Forum is to promote the ideas of modernization under WTO law taking into account new global changes. International Forum on WTO Law is devoted to analysis of the main WTO agreements and is a permanent platform for dialogue between government agencies, lawyers, representatives of business and science. “The first task for the near future is to learn how to use the available tools within the WTO, optimally resorting to them for the own interests" Meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation ( September 18th, 2014) 5
Our country has entered into a new economic reality, due to the fact that accession to the World Trade Organization sharply raised the bar for national competitiveness. One of the objectives of the Forum is to discuss main topical problems of the Kaliningrad region as a special economic zone of Russia in the context of global social and economic problems and to adopt proposals for their resolution, conducting practical discussions as much as possible. 6
WTO The target audience of the Forum: government agencies, businesses, scientific community. The main objectives of the Forum: 1) Strengthening economic and trade relations between business partners through the implementation of a nation-wide initiative "ALLATRA Global partnership" 2) Improving communication of the scientific community to share some experiences 3) Establish a contact group between the foreign business community and Russian entrepreneurs in order to facilitate market access 4) Training of specialists in the area of WTO Law The Forum will bring together leading experts in economics, law and international relations, heads of legal departments of companies, representatives of international legal community. Allatra 7