Hebrew Nouns are divided into three classes: Primitive nounsPrimitive nouns Most nouns have been derived from verbsMost nouns have been derived from verbs Some nouns are derived from other nounsSome nouns are derived from other nouns
Verb %a;l' Noun %a;l.m; Be in accordance Messenger !t;n"!t;n" To give A gift ~Wq~Aqm' Arise A place jp;v'jP'v.mi To judge Judgment
The m prefix often changes the verb into a noun The t prefix can do this, too jP'v.mi Judgment jp;v' To judge
Verb dl;y" Noun Give birth For a child will be born to us (Isaiah 9:6) hd'l.AT Generations This is the account of the heaven and the earth (Genesis 2:4)
Verb bv;y" Noun To sit or dwell Now the Canaanite and the Perizzite were dwelling then in the land (Genesis 13:7) bv'AT Sojourner A sojourner or a hired servant shall not eat of it. (Exodus 12:45).
Masculine Nouns Feminine Nouns Singular Plural Dual sWshr'AT ~ysi Ws twOrA T ~yIs; Ws ~yIt;r' AT
Feminine Nouns referring to feminine persons or animals will be feminine Nouns ending in will normally be feminine in gender Nouns that refer to parts of the body that exist in pairs are usually feminine h"h" t
Irregular Feminine NounsIrregular Feminine Nouns #r,[, ~t'cor> a; - ry[i~yrI[i - ba' - twO ba'
Irregular Feminine NounsIrregular Feminine Nouns Dual NounsDual Nouns – Regularly indicate two of a pair dy" ~yId; y" “Hand”“Hands”
Irregular Feminine NounsIrregular Feminine Nouns Dual NounsDual Nouns – Regularly indicate two of a pair – Some words are always dual in form ~yIm; v' ~yIr;c.mi - - Heavens Egypt
Irregular Feminine NounsIrregular Feminine Nouns Dual NounsDual Nouns – Regularly indicate two of a pair – Some words are always dual in form ~yIm; -Water
Irregular Feminine NounsIrregular Feminine Nouns Dual NounsDual Nouns Irregular stem changesIrregular stem changesvyai(Man) ~yv;n >a] (Men) hV'ai (Woman) ~yvin" (Women)
Synonyms A synonym is one of a group of words that share the same basic meaning, but with completely different spellings and sounds. Student and Pupil Student and Pupil Baby and Infant Baby and Infant Smart and Intelligent Smart and Intelligent
Synonyms What are the different Hebrew words that are translated “man?” In what ways are they distinctive? vyai~d'a' vAna /
Homonyms A homonym is one of a group of words that share the same spelling or pronunciation (or both) but have different meanings. Two, too, to Two, too, to Trunk Trunk
Homonyms Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. (Genesis 3:1) And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed. (Genesis 2:25) (Genesis 2:25) Which word in the Hebrew is a Homonym? ~Wr['
yn"doa] Lord !Ad a' !do a' or
xa' Brother
vyai Man vAn a/ Contracted form of
hv'ai Woman
tB; Daughter
ywOG Nation
%r,D, Way, Road, Journey %r; D' B To walk, travel
rh; Mountain, Hillrr'h' B Mountain (full form of the word)
!heKo Priest
ble Heart bb'l e B Heart (full form of the word)
~yIm; Water
Vp,n< Soul vp; n" B Refresh, catch your breath
aybin" Prophet ab'n " B To prophesy
rp,se Book, Scrollrp;s' B To count
!yI[; Eye
ry[i City
ab'c' Host, army When used as a verb: To make war, serve
lwOq Voice, sound
varo Head
hr'AT Law Instructionhr'y" B To throw, pour In Hiphil stem, “to teach”