August 10, 2007 CONTROL YOUR DATA CENTER! Tune your Legacy Data Center to improve overall efficiencies
TYPICAL LEGACY DATA CENTER ISSUES ┃ ISSUES THAT DEVELOP OVER TIME IN DATA CENTERS ┃ Mismatched IT System availability expectations and inadequate facilities cooling capabilities to support these expectations ┃ Mismatched power and cooling infrastructure leading to an increase in operating costs and poor capital investment strategies ┃ Lack of airflow control (issues with bypass and leakage) ┃ No Master Plan for Computer Facilities ┃ Increased heat densities ┃ Inefficient use of computer equipment
RETRO-COMMISSION AND RE-COMMISSION ┃ RETRO-COMMISSIONING ┃ Retro-commissioning is an event in the life of a building that applies a systematic investigation process for improving and optimizing a building’s Operation and Maintenance occurring after construction completed and the building is occupied, as an independent process, with a focus usually on energy-consuming equipment and systems such as HVAC, mechanical equipment, lighting, and control systems
RETRO-COMMISSION AND RE-COMMISSION (con’t) ┃ RE-COMMISSIONING ┃ Re-commissioning uses the original commissioning scripts, modified as required, to test existing building equipment and systems during the life of the building ┃ Re-commissioning is recommended whenever major equipment or systems are modified in a major manner, upgraded, or replaced
DATA CENTER LIFE Maximize Minimize Time Failures Infant Mortality Period End-of- Life Period Minimize Original commissioning Retro-commissioning and Re-commissioning efforts
THE TUNING PROCESS ┃ STRATEGIES TO SUPPORT RETRO-COMMISSIONING ┃ Develop a set of objectives for upgrading the current Data Center ┃ Using those objectives ┃ Develop a Data Center information sheet ┃ Develop a checklist of property documentation for the Data Center ┃ Create a benchmark of energy use for the Data Center ┃ Investigate outside available resources that could offset costs
CONTINUING THE TUNING PROCESS - ┃ MORE OF THE STRATEGY ┃ Obtain buy-in from those who need to approve the implementation budget ┃ Retain the Commissioning group to perform the Retro-commissioning ┃ Provide the package of building documentation, benchmarking results, other checklists, findings, and resolutions to the Cx provider ┃ Perform simple repairs as the project progresses ┃ Develop scopes of work for implementing “fixes” and improvements that cannot be performed in-house ┃ Verify the improvements were implemented
CONTINUING THE TUNING PROCESS - ┃ BEYOND RETROCOMMISSIONING ┃ Perform on-going utility bill analysis and periodic re-benchmarking in order to identify unjustified increases in energy ┃ Develop a plan to monitor important control points in the mechanical and electrical infrastructure ┃ Keep staff informed of energy use levels, Data Center changes planned
CONTINUING THE TUNING PROCESS - ┃ CONTINUING BEYOND RETRO-COMMISSIONING ┃ Keep record documents current ┃ Record systems modifications on drawings ┃ Update maintenance procedures and schedules as necessary ┃ Update the Owner’s Project Requirements and Basis of Design as necessary ┃ Update changes in walls, systems, and assemblies ┃ Track HVAC readings and operations data so that repairs and replacement strategies can be developed ┃ Perform Re-commissioning of HVAC systems as required
A HEALTHY LEGACY DATA CENTER ┃ VIGILENCE IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS ┃ Communication ┃ Discussion ┃ Decision ┃ Action