Chapter 3
the-high-cost-of-low-price/ the-high-cost-of-low-price/
Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the factors of production Capitalist system is known as a free enterprise system, anyone to start a business or enterprise for a profit new-business/ new-business/
Government has little interference in free enterprise ◦ Protect or encourage competition ◦ Enforce contracts Public Interest Theory – protect consumers from fraudulent, inferior, and unsafe products Public Choice Theory – government benefit existing industries by make it more difficult for new business enter into market Tollbooth Theory – main beneficiaries of the regulations are politicians
Private property is a freedom we enjoy in the U.S. We are able to buy and sell at will. Open Opportunity is another freedom in our economy ◦ Each person has a free choice to enter into the market industry This gives everyone the same economic rights under the law called Legal Equality ◦ Fail or succeed
Another element is Free Contract, a choice of agreement to enter into The most ideal reason for entering into free enterprise is profit motive. ◦ The ability to exercise the act of earning financial wealth from economic activities Page 74, Figure 3.2 ◦ What legal rights are built into the free enterprise system?
What is the difference between open opportunity and legal equality? What beside profit, if anything, might motivate a person to start a business? What fads like the pet rock have you seen come and go? What do these fads show about free enterprise?
Where will you open your restaurant? Pg. 75 ◦ What are the advantages of being in the first location, the busy mall? What are the disadvantages? ◦ What are the advantages and disadvantages of the second choice, in the small strip mall?
Reviewing Key Concepts questions 1-5 Critical Thinking question 7 How Can Entrepreneurs Control Costs? Activity Joslin’s Cost of Doing Business Is More Always Better?
Which entrepreneur is in a better position to control fixed costs of production if there is a decline in the demand for bats-the entrepreneur with the automated bat-production machine or the entrepreneur who provides bats made by hand? What does this show about fixed and variable costs?
The Roles of Producers and Consumers Consumers looks for the best deal for their money While the Producers are looking to make the most profit
Profit is the reason why individuals take the risk to enter entrepreneurship and allocate scarce resources Consumers assist in allocating resources by choosing the products they want. This is considered “voting”
Modified Free Enterprise Economy ◦ Some government involvement Figure 3.4, page 80 ◦ Government in the Circular flow Chart The government is a producer and consumer in the Product Maker (buying products), Factor Market (buying resources), Businesses, and Households (good and services by collection of taxes)
Reviewing key concepts questions 1 – 4 Critical Thinking question 10
Only the buyer and seller involved in the interaction bears the cost or reap the benefits, this is considered a Normal Market Function However, if a buyer and seller, not involved in the interaction, benefit or pay part of the cost, it is considered a Market Failure Then government provides the goods and services to be consumed are called public goods. The government collects taxes to pay for these goods such as national defense.
There are many who do not pay for a service or good however benefits from it is called free rider. Example: Fire works for holiday and law enforcement
Public and Private sector share the feat of the infrastructure that benefits a smooth functioning of society, such as ◦ Highways, mass transit, power, water, sewer systems, education, and health care
Market Failure ◦ Externality is a side effect of a product ◦ Negative externality is imposing cost on individual that are not involved Industrial pollution ◦ Positive externality creates benefits for people who were not involved Subsidy – government payment paid through the collection of taxes
Government provides programs that benefit the elderly and the less fortunate from economic hard time through a public safety net Redistributing income ◦ Poverty level Economic growth Transfer payments – transfer income from one group to another group without providing any contribution Public Transfer Payments is a payment in which the government transfers income from taxpayers to recipients who do not provide anything in return Command economy (U.S. mixed economy)
Reviewing Key Concept questions 1 – 5 Critical Thinking questions 7, 8, and 9