Smart Draw By Ron MacAskill
Create charts and diagrams Timelines Timelines Flow Charts Flow Charts Organizational Charts Organizational Charts Etc… Etc…
Business Uses Illustrate a report Illustrate a report Analyze a process Analyze a process Make a presentation Make a presentation Persuade others Persuade others Document procedures Document procedures Communicate clearly Communicate clearly Help others “see what you mean” Help others “see what you mean”
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths Strengths –Easy to use –Great Support –Excellent Tutorials –Drag and Drop –Compatibility with other products. Weaknesses Weaknesses –Can’t be used on Mac – support a little slow –No security features
Where to Purchase & Cost Phone or Fax Phone or Fax Mail Order Mail Order Cost: Cost: –Standard $69 –Professional $129 –Professional Plus $198
Recommendations I would recommend this product to any business looking to make better presentations and easier to read charts and graphs.