Nouns are words that name a person, a place of a thing. Everything that can be seen and talked about is represented by nouns. Nouns are either formed as singular or plural. Singular form of nouns is for a single name only while plural nouns are for names that are more than one.
Nouns can be classified according to the following: Proper nouns Most commonly capitalized proper nouns stands for specific names of a person, a place or a thing. Examples of proper nouns are Paris, Mrs. Carson, God, Spanish and etc. Common nouns Those who are not capitalized and are named for general purpose fall under this category. Examples of common nouns are children, boy, lion, city, pencil, and diaper. Count nouns Names things that can be counted like seven countries, three meals, and four journals.
Mass nouns Mass nouns are the opposite of count nouns which describes names that cannot be counted such as water, sand, and blood. Collective nouns Once a noun is in singular form but is composed of more one item like crowd, panel, team, and group is defined as collective nouns. Abstract nouns Names or items that are non-tangible are classified as abstract nouns and can be written even without a noun determiner. Examples of abstract nouns includes peace, justice and grief. Determiners Articles such as the, a and an are examples of nouns set as determiners which can also become a different part of speech.
Verb carries the idea or the action in a given sentence. A verb expresses a physical action, mental action and state of being or most commonly called as be- verbs.
Verbs can be classified according to the following: Transitive verbs Verbs that require an object to be complete in meaning are called transitive verbs. One example is the sentence “Sandra gave money to the poor child”. The word gave is the verb and it cannot stand alone without answering what the subject, Sandra, gave. Intransitive verbs Intransitive verbs are the complete opposite of transitive verbs. These verbs make a complete sentence even without answering the question what. Examples of intransitive verbs used in sentences are “The lady collapsed” and “Everybody voted”.
Verb tenses are common lesson under correct grammar rules for a lot of confusion occurs in this subject matter. The tenses of a given verb are further divided into three which are the present tense, past tense and future tense. Present Tense When an action is taken during the present time, the present form of the verb should be given. Examples Cara is beautiful in a midnight blue dress John delivers newspaper every morning
Past Tense When an action is taken before or in the past, the past form of the verb should be given. Examples I died when I say his face. They were all witnesses to the crime he committed. Future Tense When an action is not yet taken and will occur sometime in the future, the future form of the verb should be given. Examples I will buy a piece of jewelry tomorrow. Lisa will evaluate the report on Friday.