Politecnico di Torino Research Information System overview on project path and goals euroCRIS Meeting May 2011 Simone Martinetto Head of Application Management Division Information Technology Area Politecnico di Torino
2 Agenda Politecnico di Torino requirements and goals Research Information System – Main features Data architecture guidelines As IS - Application map Program path and goals To Be - Application map Ongoing projects and roadmap Conclusions
3 Politecnico di Torino requirements and goals Main requirement and goals: Ability to understand and represent the activities of the Research University Strengthen the capabilities of raising research funding Push on the dissemination of scientific production, for the benefit of technology transfer and to ensure that the research we fund and support in various ways has the greatest possible research impact Strengthen the process of research assessment through the support of updated and reliable information Meets the Open Access movement principles, the European Community guidelines for the free dissemination of knowledge and FP7 open access guidelines
4 Research Information System – Main features RIS should have features such as: Ability to map all research entities: project, publications, skills of research team, research laboratories and instruments… uniqueness and ease of classification for all the entities (common classification tree and keywords set, areas and research themes) CRM capabilities to manage relationships with companies and public agencies for funding and opportunity pipeline management Web capabilities integrated with content management system (CMS) and with the university web portal Improved integration between management systems and BPM system for research process. Compliance with Open Access standard OAI-PMH and other international interoperability standards
5 5 Data architecture guidelines Data point of view Each information must be kept and managed on his master system must be entered on the system once (no double data entry) must be connected to others and referenced even across different systems Project Management System ERP System Research Information System Human Resource System Projects data Projects data Timesheet data Timesheet data Researcher data Researcher data Publication data Publication data Projects Cost prospect Projects Cost prospect Researcher career Researcher career Publication Full-text Publication Full-text Contract data Contract data Research Team data Research Team data Class tree, Keywords set Class tree, Keywords set
6 As IS application map Research resources and publications management Contracts and projects management Attract partners, opportunities management Research assessment Promotion, dissemination, technology transfer Research Publications Catalog Research Publications Catalog Project Management Project Management Project Timesheet Project Timesheet Contracts Database Contracts Database University Research Portal University Research Portal Research assessment system Researcher web pages Research team and activities Opportunities and prospect contracts, agreements Contacts and schedule management Politecnico Intranet Management Application Portal (SWA) and Cineca UGOV-Research are the main application platforms. Many processes and information are supported by these systems, while others are still on individual spreadsheets or local database Open Access Portal
7 Program path and goals University Research Portal Integration with Ugov-Research Information Catalog data Extended research portal features with improved navigation and search capabilities based on keywords and classification tree Web 2.0 extensions Promotion, dissemination, technology transfer CRM and Research datamart Research datamart will import information from the ERP system, HR system, Project Management System, Research Information System to build complex data views The research datamart will provide reports for support CRM analisys (companies contacts organized by research areas, by revenue…) Attract partners, opportunities management Workflow system Add a workflow system to support processes on contracts and project management Improve and extend capabilities for contracts database Contracts and projects management Research Information Catalog Deploy “UGOV-Anagrafe della ricerca” to manage research entities and classification tree (research team, activities, assets, skills…) Research resources and publications management
8 To Be - Application map Research resources and publications management Contracts and projects management Attract partners, opportunities management Research Assessment Promotion, dissemination, technology transfer Research Publications Catalog Research Publications Catalog Project management Project management Research Information catalog Research Information catalog Timesheet CRM Open Access Portal Workflow system Research assessment system Research Datamart Researcher web pages Research University Portal Contracts database Contracts database Program development will complete the application map with better integration between systems and no more local spreadsheets or databases.
9 Ongoing projects and roadmap UGOV - Research Information catalog Configuring beta version on preproduction system Populating with sample data Contracts databases and workflow system Functional analysis and requirements gathering for contracts database Evaluating workflow system and systems integration activities Research portal Last week we released the first version of Institutional Repository (Open Access Portal) Datamart and CRM system beginning 2012
10 Workflow system Follow-up tuning Progetti - tuning Project management - tuning Ongoing projects and roadmap Project management Research Catalog Timesheet Open Access Portal Upgrade release & layout Research Portal extension Research information catalog Contracts database Research Datamart CRM TBD We are at half of our way and there is still a lot of work to do
11 Conclusions Connecting management systems (ERP, HR, workflow…) to the research system has many advantages: enables deepest data analysis and CRM capabilities to increase funding opportunities helps keeping information up to date and reliable No double data entry researchers should have just one place to input data for all different purposes (assessment, dissemination, knowledge repository). Publishing information is also the key for keeping data alive and updated. With this approach we have improved dramatically the quality and update frequency of data on our publications repository.
12 Thank you ! Contacts Thank you ! Contacts