November 11, \EOCT Prep\Conventions Worksheet.docx
This is a punctuation mark that is used between clauses of a compound sentence when a conjunction is not used, before conjunctive adverbs that join independent clauses, and in a series when the series already contains commas.
This is always in the form of "to" + a verb- like word. This verbal unit in a sentence actually acts as a noun, adjective, or adverb, rather than a verb. Example: ◦ More and more women are learning how to golf. ◦ Golfers use many different types of clubs to hit good shots during a tournament. ◦ To make a living as a golfer is no easy task. (Infinitive phrase)
This is a rule that the subject and verb must be the same in number. Example: ◦ This book describe ways to analyze evidence of all kinds. (Incorrect) ◦ This book describes ways to analyze evidence of all kinds. (Correct)
This is a group of words that has a subject and a predicate. It can be dependent or independent. Types: ◦ Independent – expresses a complete thought and can stand alone as a sentence. ◦ Dependent or Subordinate – contains a subject and a verb, but does not express a complete thought. It cannot stand alone. Example: ◦ Because inherited traits often skip a generation, you may resemble your grandparents more than your parents. ◦ (Independent) (Dependent or Subordinate)
This consists of one independent clause with one or more subordinate clauses. Example: ◦ Although it was not as popular as other programs at the time, the show went on to become an enduring classic. ◦ (Dependent or Subordinate) (Independent)
November 11, 2010 Conventions Worksheet2.docx
This is a word that takes the place of a noun. SingularPlural First PersonI, me (my, mine) we, us (our, ours) Second Personyou (your, yours) you (you, yours) Third Personhe, him, she, her, it (his, her, hers, its) they, them (their, theirs)
A.K.A. – Main Clause Expresses a complete thought. It can stand alone Identify the independent clause: ◦ Although they were raised miles apart, they liked the same school subjects and wore the same kinds of clothes.
This is an independent clause with no subordinate clauses. Example: S V ◦ Most TV family shows idealize family life.
This may be used with a semicolon to connect independent clauses and usually serves as a transition between the clauses. Conjunctive Adverbs accordinglyconsequentlyhenceneverthelessstill alsofinallyhoweverotherwisetherefore besidesfurthermoreinsteadsimilarlythus
This is a group of words used as a single part of speech without a subject and verb.
Types of Phrases Prepositional Phrases Consists of a preposition, its object and any modifiers of the object There are many kinds of sports. Appositive Phrases A noun or pronoun that identifies or renames another noun or pronoun Barcelona, a large city in Spain, hosted the Olympics in Participial Phrases A verb form that acts as an adjective, it modifies a noun or a pronoun The coach looked like an old gangster: broken nose, a scar on his cheek like a stitched shoestring. Gerund Phrases A verb form that ends in –ing and acts as a noun He loves swimming in the ocean. Infinitive Phrases A verb form, beginning with the word to that can act as a noun, adjective, or adverb More and more women are learning how to golf.