“Smart-grid technology starts in the home.” Understand your energy usage. Take control to save money!
Home Electricity Usage Household electronics have doubled in past 30 years. We want you to be aware of your usage, which could be reduce by as much as 20%. *DOE suggested in
2 System Setup
Demo 3
Potential Market *Pikes Research 2011 *ABI Research 2009 *GreenTechMedia 2011 *US Census
Competition 5
Initial Rollout Starter Kit: Free Web/Mobile App Add-ons: += $99 $39$19 6-outlet Power strip *cost to manufacture = $20-30 *cost to manufacture = $15 *cost to manufacture = $5 Outlet-cover 6
Initial Market Year 1 Year 2Year 3 7
Funding Device Development: - Designed and have proof of concept for all 3 devices - Ready to build communication node, powerstrips, outlet-covers - Patent and IP research Web Development: - Continue initial monitoring and home automation web apps - Need graphics designer early on - Explore software licensing 8
Short Term Goals 9
Projections 10 That’s ~1% of projected units sold just in 2016 (ABI 2009)
Summary 11 Our Team: Experienced in building both hardware and software solutions using unique and innovative technologies. Our Motivation: Help you understand how much electricity your devices are using and help you take control to save money. Our Product: Affordable and expandable set of outlet-covers and powerstrips that send power usage data to the web and can be remotely turned on and off. Short Term Goals: 1.Boards and devices are designed, we need funding to begin building first versions. 2.Website is under construction, need graphics designer. 3.Research patent and licensing opportunities. Long Term Goals: 1.Expand to product line of smart outlets for high energy devices (HVAC, washer/dryer, etc.) 2.Support online communities that can share, learn and even compete.