Expansion in Texas Chapter 9, section 3
Main Idea / Key Terms Mexico offered land grants to American settlers, but conflict developed over religion and other cultural differences and the issue of slavery Stephen F. Austin Land grant Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana Texas Revolution Alamo Sam Houston Republic of Texas annex
Settling the Southwest In 3 centuries of Spanish rule, only a few thousand settlers had migrated north into what is now Texas One reason was tension between Mexican and Native American inhabitants
The Mission System Mexico won its independence in 1821 Before this, Spain system of missions tried to convert Native Americans in CA, NM, and TX The Spanish protected missions by manning nearby presidios, or forts Natives retaliate against capture by raiding Mexican Tejanos
Mexican Independence In order to help the economy, Mexico loosens restrictions on trade with the U.S. Gradually, ties loosen between Northern Mexico, and the rest of the country Mexico is looking for a way to strengthen these ties Mexico begins to encourage American settlers to move to Texas
In 1821, 1823, and 1824, Mexico offered enormous land grants to agents (empresarios) Sold the land cheap to American settlers who agreed to obey Mexican law American numbers soon surpassed those of the Tejanos in Texas
Stephen F. Austin Stephen F. Austin established a colony between the Brazos and Colorado Rivers His colony didn’t allow drunkards, gamblers, profaners, or idlers This paradise soon gained fame in the U.S., and people flocked to Texas The U.S. tries to buy Texas from Mexico, but Mexico refuses
Texas Independence 1830 – Texas closes its borders and taxes imported goods from America heavily Mexican politics becomes unstable Austin travels to Mexico City to petition for greater self government in Texas The president, Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana, suspends the constitution, and has Austin arrested
After revoking several local powers in Texas and other Mexican states, rebellions erupted including the Texas Revolution In 1835, Texans drive Mexicans from the Alamo, an old mission and fort In response, Santa Ana drives north, and destroys the Texans there, including Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett
The Lone Star Republic March 1835 – Santa Ana’s troops execute 300 rebels at Goliad 6 weeks later, the Texans strike back Sam Houston and his troops, behind cries of “Remember the Alamo”, kill 630 Mexicans in the first 18 minutes of fighting and capture Santa Ana In 1836, Sam Houston becomes the president of the Republic of Texas
In 1838, Houston invites the U. S In 1838, Houston invites the U.S. to annex Texas, or incorporate them into the United States On December 29, 1845, Texas became the 28th state in the Union The Mexican government recalled its ambassador from Washington… Events were moving quickly towards war…